You ever meet people from online who were way nicer than you thought they would be? And shorter? Like movie stars, beautiful and terrifying.

Tennis, anyone?
Point_Blank seriously responded to this journal thirty-seconds after I posted it, if that. I wish to meet this man and shake his hand. A handshake from which he'll never recover.
Under smuffy's command, I am staying up all day. Again.
rkharper is my newest friend. Go to his journal. Look how cool he looks!!! I am so lucky.
TheLastBeliever and myself are in a band now. We're fucking awesome. So is our band.
Virtue is going to call me smelly from now on, I think. She never really got back to me on that.
Where the fuck am I going with this?
This is where I'm going.

so SmellinOfAss was too obvious?
Wow. I could laugh at your name for ages. Laughing my ASS of.