Zombie Apocalypse.
So here I am, still stuck in the same log cabin in the same middle of nowhere with the same flesh hungry undead banging at the backdoor and yet all I can think of is relationships. Relationships with friends, with family, with girls. All that crap that makes your toes squish. If you never discuss relationship situations do they cease to exist, or is there an unseen universal line where if crossed you're suddenly boyfriend/girlfriend? Not that my present situation (miles from nowhere, surrounded by zombies) really facilitates a girlfriend but I'm curious. I really couldn't tell you how long I've been seeing this girl but it feels like we should have a talk, you know? If I'm wrong, let me know.
Random Notes
There's a band called Cut Copy that is really great, like unlimited lap dances.
A girl told me tonight (twice, in honest drunken candor) that I was beautiful and it was the most feel good bullshit ever. I know she was full of it but nnnnph if it didn't feel great, like unlimited lap dances.
And I know, who says anything like that? Well, I do. I rarely get compliments, let alone ones I actually believe. But call me crazy or drunk but that weird girl with the knitted hat from Marquette, Michigan was a gangbuster. I would draft her in the second round even though she's just a third rounder. Actualy that's not true at all and I know it. She was a boyfriendless gorgeous Yooper with beer goggles for yours truly. What was stopping me? Ah yes, my crippling depression. And zombies.

So here I am, still stuck in the same log cabin in the same middle of nowhere with the same flesh hungry undead banging at the backdoor and yet all I can think of is relationships. Relationships with friends, with family, with girls. All that crap that makes your toes squish. If you never discuss relationship situations do they cease to exist, or is there an unseen universal line where if crossed you're suddenly boyfriend/girlfriend? Not that my present situation (miles from nowhere, surrounded by zombies) really facilitates a girlfriend but I'm curious. I really couldn't tell you how long I've been seeing this girl but it feels like we should have a talk, you know? If I'm wrong, let me know.
Random Notes
There's a band called Cut Copy that is really great, like unlimited lap dances.
A girl told me tonight (twice, in honest drunken candor) that I was beautiful and it was the most feel good bullshit ever. I know she was full of it but nnnnph if it didn't feel great, like unlimited lap dances.
And I know, who says anything like that? Well, I do. I rarely get compliments, let alone ones I actually believe. But call me crazy or drunk but that weird girl with the knitted hat from Marquette, Michigan was a gangbuster. I would draft her in the second round even though she's just a third rounder. Actualy that's not true at all and I know it. She was a boyfriendless gorgeous Yooper with beer goggles for yours truly. What was stopping me? Ah yes, my crippling depression. And zombies.

The line between fact and fiction is a blurry one, innit?