:::Seven Albums I've Been Listening To For The First Time:::
1. Raekwon Only Built 4 Cuban Linx
2. Tapes n' Tapes The Loon
3. The Yeah Yeah Yeah's Show Your Bones
4. John Coltrane Blue Train
5. The Flaming Lips At War With The Mystics
6. The Misfits Legacy of Brutality
7. MYLO Destroy Rock 'n' Roll
:::Seven Goals For The Next 300 & 65 Days:::
1. Dunk a basketball
2. Become a world class hater
3. Pass a class
4. Write + finish the Zombie story I had planned
5. Become a much better defender in ultimate
6. Really do some writing + drawing, and hopefully not in that annoying way
7. While maintaining world class haterhood, remain likable person
:::Seven Things I Like Talking About & Will At The Drop Of A Hat:::
1. Implausible to the point of confusion conspiracy theory
2. Fictional Character vs. Fictional Character (Gandalf v. Vader)
3. Sports, sports, sports, sports
4. Any topic related to comic books, in any abstract way
5. Long unfocused discussions about movies or music
6. Long unfocused discussions about some shorty round the way
7. How I don't know if I like the Arctic Monkey's or not. It's a tough call, societal pressures are rising and I fear I cannot decide before they invade. What if the NME asks me for a quote?
:::Seven Favored Comic Book Characters, Cold Blooded & Awesome:::
1. Jack Hawksmoor, God of Cities
2. Rorschach
3. Kanedaaa!!
4. Lockheed
5. Jesse Mother Fucking Custer
6. Black Bolt
7. Doctor Doom
:::Seven Beloved Movies I Can Watch On Repeat:::
1. Rushmore
2. Dr. Strangelove
3. Airplane!
4. Kill Bill 2
5. Royal Tennenbaums
6. Blues Brothers
7. Predator (simple put, a perfect movie)
:::Seven Things About Michigan:::
1. Long stretches of lonely neglected roads that let you drive fast
2. In almost any direction you have a good chance of running across water
3. At almost any time of year that water will be frozen
4. While the West and East sides of the state are very different both sides are very segregated. The Upper Penninsula is a madhouse.
5. We have the best basketball team on the planet Earth.
6. Really nice people. Lots of things to do or see.
7. It's America's high five
:::Seven Quotes:::
1. "I prefer mapquest/ that's a good one, too
Google maps is the best/ true that/ DOUBLE TRUE!"
2. "My eyes! Ze goggles! Zey do nothing!"
3. "Is that Latin?"
4. "Running from the law, the press and the parents/
Is your name Michael Diamond?/ Naw, mine's Clarence!"
5. "As for myself, I'm fucking crazy. I'm a flip-flopper. I'm a recluse. I have fantasies of killing people that annoy me. This isn't a game to me. This is my life. I love to hate. It comes naturally. It is a burden. My eyes are open too wide. And I NEVER like what I see." -Jaime
6. "Nichole Simpson can't rap."
7. "I wouldn't say you're an asshole for chanting ''GOP" during the Olympic, I just wouldn't have done it so loud or in a bowling alley."
:::Seven Albums I've Been Listening To For The First Time:::
1. Raekwon Only Built 4 Cuban Linx
2. Tapes n' Tapes The Loon
3. The Yeah Yeah Yeah's Show Your Bones
4. John Coltrane Blue Train
5. The Flaming Lips At War With The Mystics
6. The Misfits Legacy of Brutality
7. MYLO Destroy Rock 'n' Roll
:::Seven Goals For The Next 300 & 65 Days:::
1. Dunk a basketball
2. Become a world class hater
3. Pass a class
4. Write + finish the Zombie story I had planned
5. Become a much better defender in ultimate
6. Really do some writing + drawing, and hopefully not in that annoying way
7. While maintaining world class haterhood, remain likable person
:::Seven Things I Like Talking About & Will At The Drop Of A Hat:::
1. Implausible to the point of confusion conspiracy theory
2. Fictional Character vs. Fictional Character (Gandalf v. Vader)
3. Sports, sports, sports, sports
4. Any topic related to comic books, in any abstract way
5. Long unfocused discussions about movies or music
6. Long unfocused discussions about some shorty round the way
7. How I don't know if I like the Arctic Monkey's or not. It's a tough call, societal pressures are rising and I fear I cannot decide before they invade. What if the NME asks me for a quote?
:::Seven Favored Comic Book Characters, Cold Blooded & Awesome:::
1. Jack Hawksmoor, God of Cities
2. Rorschach
3. Kanedaaa!!
4. Lockheed
5. Jesse Mother Fucking Custer
6. Black Bolt
7. Doctor Doom
:::Seven Beloved Movies I Can Watch On Repeat:::
1. Rushmore
2. Dr. Strangelove
3. Airplane!
4. Kill Bill 2
5. Royal Tennenbaums
6. Blues Brothers
7. Predator (simple put, a perfect movie)
:::Seven Things About Michigan:::
1. Long stretches of lonely neglected roads that let you drive fast
2. In almost any direction you have a good chance of running across water
3. At almost any time of year that water will be frozen
4. While the West and East sides of the state are very different both sides are very segregated. The Upper Penninsula is a madhouse.
5. We have the best basketball team on the planet Earth.
6. Really nice people. Lots of things to do or see.
7. It's America's high five
:::Seven Quotes:::
1. "I prefer mapquest/ that's a good one, too
Google maps is the best/ true that/ DOUBLE TRUE!"
2. "My eyes! Ze goggles! Zey do nothing!"
3. "Is that Latin?"
4. "Running from the law, the press and the parents/
Is your name Michael Diamond?/ Naw, mine's Clarence!"
5. "As for myself, I'm fucking crazy. I'm a flip-flopper. I'm a recluse. I have fantasies of killing people that annoy me. This isn't a game to me. This is my life. I love to hate. It comes naturally. It is a burden. My eyes are open too wide. And I NEVER like what I see." -Jaime
6. "Nichole Simpson can't rap."
7. "I wouldn't say you're an asshole for chanting ''GOP" during the Olympic, I just wouldn't have done it so loud or in a bowling alley."
Can't believe you haven't heard Cuban Linx before.
They play defense in Ultimate?