Things Smuffy Told Me Not To Do But I Done Did Anyway.
...the lady baroness proclaimed...
"I love your 3-D GLASSES!" which the gentleman replied...
"I love your 3-D Asses."
I'm Graham...I'm Gabe!...and I'm Graham's girlfriend Nichole! Is this how I spell my name? 2/3rds of those pictured are in love. 1/3rd of those pictures are Gabe.
She's been holding off on seeing the newest Harry Potter flick on account of me asking her to. She also wants to sell me a TV and pick up a vest I got her. The She is my ex-girlfriend. So:
My ex-girlfriend told me she called me three times (''well, possibly two...") over this weekend. No trace of her supposed phone calls exist on my phone and yet she's not the type to lie and never has (in such a straight forward manner). My response to all this is a petty away message on my AIM because that's exactly the kind of pussy I am.
Can you tell which one is cool? Three guesses. Graham wouldn't pose for this because he was smoking a cigerette and he feared his sister would, somehow, see the photo. Luckily his girlfriend is monumentally better than he is when it comes to Things and took that cancer like a champ.
This is Robin and I looking at each other. I cannot love you Robin, you live in New York.
That wraps up most of my New York City photographs. Thanks to my mom's for the disposable, thanks to my Dad for the tickets. To pay the old Shark back I went to his house for Thanksgiving. There we dined on the best organic turkey ever and was reminded why my wicked step-mother's family is to be reviled. Apparently supporting publicly funded news and radio is akin to communism, which I wasn't aware of. Luckily my Aunt (who thought I was my dad's nephew) is a true Capitalist and set me right. Still, my dad is a giver and I left with a rent check, gas money, a bag full of turkey, 2 BOSE shelf speakers and a lot of memories.
Nevertheless, we're having Kwanza at mom's house this year.

...the lady baroness proclaimed...
"I love your 3-D GLASSES!" which the gentleman replied...
"I love your 3-D Asses."

I'm Graham...I'm Gabe!...and I'm Graham's girlfriend Nichole! Is this how I spell my name? 2/3rds of those pictured are in love. 1/3rd of those pictures are Gabe.

She's been holding off on seeing the newest Harry Potter flick on account of me asking her to. She also wants to sell me a TV and pick up a vest I got her. The She is my ex-girlfriend. So:
My ex-girlfriend told me she called me three times (''well, possibly two...") over this weekend. No trace of her supposed phone calls exist on my phone and yet she's not the type to lie and never has (in such a straight forward manner). My response to all this is a petty away message on my AIM because that's exactly the kind of pussy I am.

Can you tell which one is cool? Three guesses. Graham wouldn't pose for this because he was smoking a cigerette and he feared his sister would, somehow, see the photo. Luckily his girlfriend is monumentally better than he is when it comes to Things and took that cancer like a champ.

This is Robin and I looking at each other. I cannot love you Robin, you live in New York.
That wraps up most of my New York City photographs. Thanks to my mom's for the disposable, thanks to my Dad for the tickets. To pay the old Shark back I went to his house for Thanksgiving. There we dined on the best organic turkey ever and was reminded why my wicked step-mother's family is to be reviled. Apparently supporting publicly funded news and radio is akin to communism, which I wasn't aware of. Luckily my Aunt (who thought I was my dad's nephew) is a true Capitalist and set me right. Still, my dad is a giver and I left with a rent check, gas money, a bag full of turkey, 2 BOSE shelf speakers and a lot of memories.
Nevertheless, we're having Kwanza at mom's house this year.
I'm warming up for my first round...