The embodiment of everything I loved when I was six: Christmas and Dinosaurs.
My friend Robin, seductive in williamsburgh, posing on a bath tub full of plants. Williamsburgh is where the line between art and crazy explodes all over your soy.
Hey I'm a face on the ground. Have you ever seen such a thing?! Only in New York!
1 sprained wrist
1 cut finger
4 stitches on finger
4 canker sores in mouth
1 zit on lip causing painful herpes sensation + visual
1 sore throat
1 cat
JoJo made this shit. That's a hand traced pink assed Turkey with glitter in case you didn't know what awesome looked like.
are you getting dreamy?
how was your turkey day?
I need to go call a TSS hotline or something.
and then I will eat more cereal!
I can't tell by your description whether you had a shitty thanksgiving day or not. in any case, even if it's boring I'm sure it will sound very fun and lively, considering your more than awesome writing abilities.
nice chatting with you but I'm hungry, tired and possibly dying, so chat with you another day.