well it's been for weeks and i haven't posted, so here's a fun tale from last weekend...
for Christmas my brothers and myself were each given $1500 for new computers. My brothers both went out and got there's but I decided I wanted to build one, and my brother said he'd help. So I fnally got around to making plans with him last Saturday.
i drove down and picked him up and went to the place where he got his parts (Canada Computers, i think? College and Augusta area). Not wanting to pay $6 for half an hour of parking i found on street parking and tossed a buck in it. We then walked the block and a bit to the store. picked out the parts I was getting (and got some pretty good deals I think) and went to cash out. The guy swipes my M/C, hands me the reciept and tells me it's declined. No way, I just cleared the money in my account on Monday I think. I start to open my mouth to say something when the guy that helped up with the parts tell him he put and extra 3 in there. I was going to be charged 13,333 for my new computer!
At this point we'd been in there for close to half an hour so I was starting to get ansty. We leave the store and had a laugh about the clerk ringing it in wrong. I tell my brother I was starting to get worried since my meter has probably expired. He totally blows it off, saying "pfft, what are the chances a cop's going to be waiting at your car, writing you a ticket", laughs and keeps walking.
We get about 20 feet or so from where I'm parked. I look up and book it to my car with this huge bag of computer parts. Yup, there was a cop, standing behind my car, punching my info into his little computer thing. I start up the engine, my heart's going a mile a minute, and he pauses, and goes the car infront of me. My brother finally strolls up to the car throws the cas in the back and gets in. "What are the chances a cop's going to be waiting at the car, writing me a ticket?" I repeat back to him. He was like "Yeah, I'll shut up".
for Christmas my brothers and myself were each given $1500 for new computers. My brothers both went out and got there's but I decided I wanted to build one, and my brother said he'd help. So I fnally got around to making plans with him last Saturday.
i drove down and picked him up and went to the place where he got his parts (Canada Computers, i think? College and Augusta area). Not wanting to pay $6 for half an hour of parking i found on street parking and tossed a buck in it. We then walked the block and a bit to the store. picked out the parts I was getting (and got some pretty good deals I think) and went to cash out. The guy swipes my M/C, hands me the reciept and tells me it's declined. No way, I just cleared the money in my account on Monday I think. I start to open my mouth to say something when the guy that helped up with the parts tell him he put and extra 3 in there. I was going to be charged 13,333 for my new computer!

At this point we'd been in there for close to half an hour so I was starting to get ansty. We leave the store and had a laugh about the clerk ringing it in wrong. I tell my brother I was starting to get worried since my meter has probably expired. He totally blows it off, saying "pfft, what are the chances a cop's going to be waiting at your car, writing you a ticket", laughs and keeps walking.
We get about 20 feet or so from where I'm parked. I look up and book it to my car with this huge bag of computer parts. Yup, there was a cop, standing behind my car, punching my info into his little computer thing. I start up the engine, my heart's going a mile a minute, and he pauses, and goes the car infront of me. My brother finally strolls up to the car throws the cas in the back and gets in. "What are the chances a cop's going to be waiting at the car, writing me a ticket?" I repeat back to him. He was like "Yeah, I'll shut up".
going appartment looking today!
hopefully i find somewhere nice =]
that area
it didnt work out today though
how r u?