So, I was browsing facebook when I came across this group called "Dark haired girls are the SEXIEST", and out of curiosity, I joined to see what kinds of things they were saying.
There was a topic entitled "Why brunettes are better than blondes", and it was so funny because all these brunette girls were going on and on about how much smarter they are than blondes, but their posts were littered with spelling and grammatical errors!!! It was priceless, not to mention the fact that they were going on about how blondes are skanks and have fake tits,and how blondes lose their beauty as they age etc., etc...It made no sense because they were saying these things about natural and dyed blondes...My hair is dyed, I am a natural strawberry blonde.So does that mean I was smarter and less skanky before I dyed it? RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't resist posting this:
I find it very interesting how these girls are declaring that they are smarter than blondes, yet every post seems to be laced with inproper grammar and spelling errors (were instead of we're, beatiful instead of beautiful, loose instead of lose, I could go on, but I don't have the time or energy.)
I actually think it's quite ludicrous for anyone to entertain the idea that someone could possibly be better than someone else due to the colour of their hair. (And yes, ludicrous is a word, not just a rapper)'s just a filamentous outgrowth of the epidermis. How could that possibly be a reflection of someone's intelligence? It's baesless and illogical.
I have zero issues with brunettes, I have no time to compete with or judge someone based on something as silly as the colour of their hair.
Many brunettes are lovely, talented and smart women, just as many blondes, redheads, rainbow heads, etc. are.
I saw this group on my friend's profile and decided to express my view point here.
I just think that to imply or state that hair colour has anything to do with mentality is really ignorant and comes off as uneducated.
So next time you say all blondes are stupid, read this post, by me, a blonde.
And let's be honest, it's the most relevant and literate post here.
Peace to every chick and every dude of every hair colour!
-Stephanie D.
p.s. My tits are 100 percent real, and 100 percent spectacular.
I don't spend hours doing myself up.
I am 27, yet get carded all the time, and am always told that I look 21.So that theory about blondes aging and looking like crap as they get older doesn't stand.
I am a very intelligent, unique, artistic individual.
I am the furthest thing there is from a skank.
I don't have to be drunk to get a guy...I'm laughing as I write this because it seems so absurd to me that all of these claims could be made just based on hair colour.
Generalisation is a dangerous, dangerous habit!
Much love!
There was a topic entitled "Why brunettes are better than blondes", and it was so funny because all these brunette girls were going on and on about how much smarter they are than blondes, but their posts were littered with spelling and grammatical errors!!! It was priceless, not to mention the fact that they were going on about how blondes are skanks and have fake tits,and how blondes lose their beauty as they age etc., etc...It made no sense because they were saying these things about natural and dyed blondes...My hair is dyed, I am a natural strawberry blonde.So does that mean I was smarter and less skanky before I dyed it? RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't resist posting this:
I find it very interesting how these girls are declaring that they are smarter than blondes, yet every post seems to be laced with inproper grammar and spelling errors (were instead of we're, beatiful instead of beautiful, loose instead of lose, I could go on, but I don't have the time or energy.)
I actually think it's quite ludicrous for anyone to entertain the idea that someone could possibly be better than someone else due to the colour of their hair. (And yes, ludicrous is a word, not just a rapper)'s just a filamentous outgrowth of the epidermis. How could that possibly be a reflection of someone's intelligence? It's baesless and illogical.
I have zero issues with brunettes, I have no time to compete with or judge someone based on something as silly as the colour of their hair.
Many brunettes are lovely, talented and smart women, just as many blondes, redheads, rainbow heads, etc. are.
I saw this group on my friend's profile and decided to express my view point here.
I just think that to imply or state that hair colour has anything to do with mentality is really ignorant and comes off as uneducated.
So next time you say all blondes are stupid, read this post, by me, a blonde.
And let's be honest, it's the most relevant and literate post here.
Peace to every chick and every dude of every hair colour!
-Stephanie D.
p.s. My tits are 100 percent real, and 100 percent spectacular.
I don't spend hours doing myself up.
I am 27, yet get carded all the time, and am always told that I look 21.So that theory about blondes aging and looking like crap as they get older doesn't stand.
I am a very intelligent, unique, artistic individual.
I am the furthest thing there is from a skank.
I don't have to be drunk to get a guy...I'm laughing as I write this because it seems so absurd to me that all of these claims could be made just based on hair colour.
Generalisation is a dangerous, dangerous habit!
Much love!
People get scared when they're shot the fuck down with intelligence and get called on their weak little minds, so I take it as a compliment.
Oh,wait, there was ONE post after mine, which just proves my point that these people are morons who wuldn't see a point if it hit them between the eyes--
Songul Ilknurun (Woodbridge College) wrote
on May 31, 2007 at 2:55 PM
WE know what the difference between sex and having sex when being in love is.
Fuck, Thank you,loser, for proving my point, but at the same time, fuck you,loser, for proving my point.
I replied with this:
So, girls who have blonde hair only have sex with people they don't love?
I, for one, have never had sex with someone I haven't been in love with.
The notion that brunettes know the difference between loveless sex and making love, and blondes don't is soooo ridiculous.
Again, BASELESS, like everything else on this thread.
My issue is not with those who prefer brunettes, it's with those who think blonders are skanks, stupid, fake, what have you.
And spelling and grammar DOES come into play in someone's intelligence, to a certain degree.
When you read something someone has posted, you can get a feel for their level of intelligence, certainly.
I make mistakes too, tons of them!!!
But, here:
Brunets r so much more hott becuz we r smarter and blondes r dumb.and if u think blonde r better than your stupid to.
Brunettes are much hotter because we are smarter. Blondes are dumm and if you think that blondes are better, then you're stupid too.
Same statement, and it's a ridiculous one either way. But the second one clearly demonstartes higher education than the first.
YOU my dear are fine. You express yourself clearly and do not come off stupid at all.
There's a huge difference between a few typos and being a complete moron!!!!
(which you, obviously are NOT!!)