I miss my wife, Ershin

We had a super fun weekend of fun, frolicks, substances, brews, see-through rizla, disgusting cheesey poofs, tuna pasta bake, laughing hesterically, board games and Nintendo Wii!!

I can't even describe how much I love this lady. She is a breath of fresh air to my smoked filled lungs, she makes me laugh so hard I wanna pee myself! And I love the way she snorts when she laughs really hard hehe (She may kill me for revealing that!) She is so so pretty and funky, she's one of those people who you wouldn't be able to stop staring at in a crowded room

Oh Ershin, my kindred spirit, my lovely, wonderful friend, you are special in so many ways, a bit like a window licker, but nicer!

I think we should make a video one day for SG, of all our crazy voices, noises, jokes and quotes... it may make people think we're so weird that they want to stop talking to us haha! But, it's just the way we are, we're not like 'ordinary girls,' and I'm fuckin glad! I'd rather die than spend all my time talking about shoes and make up or looking at ourselves in the mirror every two seconds... i'd rather be 'Us' any day

I don't have a lot of close friends and never have done. Most people don't 'get' me and I don't 'get' them. I'm a tad off the wall, strange, silly, and my rather dark sense of humour can make people think heyyy whhaaaattt??! Hahaha! But when you find those select few who are on the same wavelength, who don't care what people think and just be themselves, who are kind hearted and generous and who just want to have fun, you hang on to them for all eternity, cuz you cherish those few who rarely come along.
I'd rather have a handful of close friends than a tonne of aquaintances, wouldn't you?
Love and bestest fwends

Emya xXx
cancel that, for some reason i feel perfectly fine today... how odd!
