I can seeee yooouuuuu!!!
I thought i'd treat you all to a little Emyaness, since i've not posted pics of little me for a while
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Just been looking through my old modelling shots and found these from 5 years ago, when I was a lickle 20 year old

Look, me with short hair!!
and here's a few little photoshopped out takes from my set
Doodlebug (that still needs your lovely comments

I hope you enjoy me as much as I enjoy you!
Also, don't forget to show your love for my special girl
Ershin she fuckin rocks my socks off!!
Love and sexy times,
Emya xXx
thought you might be interested to know that the tattoo is finished and a photo is up on in my blog (all be it a very bruised and bloody/inky one
i think it's come out really well if i don't say so myself
been up to anything exciting then?