How was everyone's Valentine's Day? I hope you all had fun!
As you all know i've been a busy little bee studying for my Web Design course. I am doing really well and got a whopping 100% for my first exam!!

Well, other than studying and working my butt off, I've been having a lovely cosy time in these winter months. But already the skies are much lighter for longer and that makes me happyyyyy

I had lots of fun last week

Valentine's Day was held at our place, for Shaun's birthday party. Loads of our friends came as well as Shaun's parents and siblings, he's got a crazy family like mine! It was a wicked night and I got completely fucked! Didn't go to bed til 1pm the next day and sat up watching Southpark smoking myself silly with my mates

I'm a mong...!
I must get back to work now, but I'll reply to all your comments and messages tonight at home whilst smoking a phatty bumbatty in my jim jams!
In the meantime, I have a question for you that me and Shaun were discussing whilst very wrecked...
What animal were you in your past life? (Whether you believe in that or not

I'm intrigued to know what you were??

Love and caterpillars,
Emya xXx
Glad to hear you've been well! congrats on your exam, keep it up!!! I've been missing you!!!
yes and I miss her!!!