Here's a picture of me...

In case you've forgotton what I look like
I have been away for a little while, concentrating on various things, getting myself motivated and focussed.
It has paid off, since I finished the final chapter of my first module in Web Design last night
There are 18 in total, with 10 review questions for each one! Bearing in mind I didn't start studying properly until the first week in January, I've done pretty damn well! I've got to do a test online tonight, so wish me luck! 
I'm studying from home whilst working full time 50 hours a week, so I've tried to pull myself away from the computer (in social networking terms) and get pro-active in many aspects of my life. I've stuck to my new years resolutions so far, I've been working out straight after work nearly every day and am feeling more toned and alive for it
So it's all good!
I will reply to all your comments and messages as soon as I can, I will be back soon, just feeling the need to get my goals in order and concentrate on that for the time being.
Thanks to everyone who commented on my set doodlebug I was overwhelmed at how fast my comment count grew and the lovely things that were said
It's made me think that if I can do that well with a set that is poorly lit, imagine how well I could do with perfectly lit set..?
And I do have a great idea for my next one and the theme has never been done before... 
It's clear that doodlebug won't ever go live, but I'm still proud of it and I like my tease style of modelling. I'm not gona be getting my 'burger' out clear as day on here, that is for me and my husband!
Plus, I like to leave something to the imagination!
A lot of people have liked that about me and that is one thing that won't change!
I hope you are all well and enjoying the wonderful SG boobies! I will be back 100% soon, try not to miss me too much!
Love and motivation,

In case you've forgotton what I look like

I have been away for a little while, concentrating on various things, getting myself motivated and focussed.
It has paid off, since I finished the final chapter of my first module in Web Design last night

I'm studying from home whilst working full time 50 hours a week, so I've tried to pull myself away from the computer (in social networking terms) and get pro-active in many aspects of my life. I've stuck to my new years resolutions so far, I've been working out straight after work nearly every day and am feeling more toned and alive for it

I will reply to all your comments and messages as soon as I can, I will be back soon, just feeling the need to get my goals in order and concentrate on that for the time being.
Thanks to everyone who commented on my set doodlebug I was overwhelmed at how fast my comment count grew and the lovely things that were said

It's clear that doodlebug won't ever go live, but I'm still proud of it and I like my tease style of modelling. I'm not gona be getting my 'burger' out clear as day on here, that is for me and my husband!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the wonderful SG boobies! I will be back 100% soon, try not to miss me too much!
Love and motivation,
think i might go back to shitcaster to see the family after uni tomorrow. that's if the trains are running. haha.
yeah i'm gladi've finally found a girl as laid back as me. haha.
your game was immense. i find myself craving to play it again. it's quite disturbing.