Ariel, the Little Mermaid!

She's hot, daydreamy and she's a mermaid of course! If I was Ariel I could swim around in the sea all day, brushing my hair with a fork and have conversations with seagulls and fish! I'd get into loads of adventures and I'd wear a different sea shell bra every day! (Unlike Ariel who has worn the same one for like 20years or something! Haha!)
A lot of you chose hot female cartoon characters, which was very pleasing for me! So here's a run down of Emya's Cartoon Girls she like to 'DO'!...
This was the most popular choice among you, and I don't have to explain why!
The amazing jessica Rabbit!!
Amy, from one of my favourite 80's cartoons, Galaxy High! She's the class geek on Earth, but becomes the most popular, hottest girl in Galaxy High
Alice of course! Curious, wonderfully English and she eats magic mushrooms! (This is also my favourite Disney film of all time!)
The Princess from the series, Drawn Together! (Far left, in the cheeky see-through nightie!) If you haven't seen this cartoon, watch it!!

It's a piss take of a selection of cartoon characters. Don't watch if you're easily offended! Haha!
The classic Betty Boop! The original hot cartoon chick icon! I mean, before her, how many cartoons were hot??!
Princess Jasmine! Aladdin is one lucky guy!
Her style's a little dated now, but She Ra was the ultimate figure of woman for me in my younger years! I had a She Ra action figure and my brother had He Man and Castle Greyskull! Haha! She's a foxxx!
And last, but definitely not least, my new found love..! I have only just discovered this cartoon and my god! I was mezmerized by the intro sequence! Doiiiinnnggg!

This is Stripperella! Modelled on Pamela Anderson, this kick ass stripper is a super hero, out fighting crime! Haha! It's a wicked cartoon, so go watch it! It's by the legend Stan Lee!

Though I really don't like the newer episodes, the style of drawing changed and personally, I think it was a very bad move! So, go watch the old ones!
and her friend would get it as well!
So, now you know what gets Emya going, in her own weird little way!
I'm busy working for most of this weekend again

So, I won't be around as much as i'd like. But i'll be posting some new cheeky pics of me soon (it's about time isn't it!) and hopefully some new doodles when I get the chance to do more. So, keep your eyes peeled!
Have a wonderful weekend filled with magic beans, fairy dust and unicorn disease!
Lots of love and cherry pie!
Emya xXx
Yeah, I'm a sucker for all the 80's/early 90s cartoons. I'm glad I made the cut into your secret society of cool cartoon lovers