Happy New Year and all that poop! 
I hope you all had a good one and are looking forward to 2009!
My new year was pretty crap! My dreadded lady time came that morning and I suffer from the worst pains, so my lovely man stayed in with me and we played board games and drank tea! Haha! I was supposed to go to a house party, but it was too far away and didn't want to get there, be in pain and not be able to get home
it was ok though, Shaun kept me laughing and we watched the cheesy midnight countdown on BBC 1 haha!
I have many hopes and aspirations for this year, not to mention a full-blown Web Design course that I'm starting, so that's going to be a major responsibility
I'm kinda scared!! Eeeep!
I just need to pull my finger out, get my ass into gear and be the best Emya I can be! 
As you all know, my debut set is in MR and seems to be doing pretty well. I still think it won't go pink due to the quality, but I still love it and another will be coming as soon as I get back into shape!
Thanks so much to all the people who have commented, I've had some great constructive feedback and some really lovely compliments, I'm really chuffed and so grateful to have so many awesome people behind me

This year you're gonna see the real Emya shine through! More cartoons, more silliness, more photos and of course, more sets!
So... strap yourselves in, cuz it's gona be one craaaaazy ride!!
Percy the Puke Goblin says Happy New Year too! He just can't say it himself, cuz of all the puke in his mouth! Ewww! He's gross! 
Love and new year's resolutions...

I hope you all had a good one and are looking forward to 2009!
My new year was pretty crap! My dreadded lady time came that morning and I suffer from the worst pains, so my lovely man stayed in with me and we played board games and drank tea! Haha! I was supposed to go to a house party, but it was too far away and didn't want to get there, be in pain and not be able to get home

I have many hopes and aspirations for this year, not to mention a full-blown Web Design course that I'm starting, so that's going to be a major responsibility

As you all know, my debut set is in MR and seems to be doing pretty well. I still think it won't go pink due to the quality, but I still love it and another will be coming as soon as I get back into shape!

Thanks so much to all the people who have commented, I've had some great constructive feedback and some really lovely compliments, I'm really chuffed and so grateful to have so many awesome people behind me

This year you're gonna see the real Emya shine through! More cartoons, more silliness, more photos and of course, more sets!
So... strap yourselves in, cuz it's gona be one craaaaazy ride!!

Love and new year's resolutions...
your set is beautiful!!!!
What does chuffed mean? hahaha