The SG book signing in London was amazing!!
Lottey made me feel so welcome straight away! She showed me the best night I've had in ages and I've thanked her a thousand times!
I managed to make my way through the London Underground all by myself, without any disasters, which I was pretty impressed with
It was all very daunting, but very exciting, 'cause I knew Lottey was at the other end!
It was so cool to get changed into our outfits together and seeing her pull out bras that she's worn in her sets
and I was lucky enough to kip on her 'flight path' sofa! Hehe! It was all soooo cooooool! 
I went to Waterstones with Lottey too and saw all the girlies signing their books! I was even ushered into the group photos at the end!
Haha! I was the only Hopeful there, so apologies if any girls were thinking 'who the fuck is this?!' Haha! 
Me and Lottey went to meet the beautiful Koneko in Kentish Town, man, she is so teeny tiny and cute I wanted to carry her around in my pocket! She likes my robot dance!
I saw Clariss who was even more stunning in the flesh, Lolo who was super sexy and super cool, but can't roll cigs to save her life! Hehe!
Holley Who was so so pretty and mezmerizing, wish I had more of a chance to quote the Mighty Boosh with her, plus so many others you all know were there and were all equally amazing and so friendly/cool, it was the best time ever!
(just too long to list everyone, sorry!)
I was given a free book and got some of the girls to sign it! I was even asked to sign too! Haha!
After Peachy Keen, Lottey (who is also teeny tiny and soooo cute I just wanted to brush her hair and feed her grapes!) showed me a wicked night out in London, we boogied to metal tunes in this cool club and freezed our tits off on the way home! Had a McDonalds and laughed at some guy who puked on himself on the bus! Ewwwww!! Her boyfriend, Toby, was such a darlin' too! They are such a cool couple and he really made me feel welcome as well.
It was all so perfect, I keep replaying it in my head

Sorry if my 'gushing' is coming across as a tad uncool, but I don't care, haha! It was my first SG event, I felt totally in awe of the girls, since I've been admiring them for so long and they were all like talking to me and stuff! Haha!
Was wicked! And now I'm all smiley like a big goon!
AND... tonight, I am taking my bestest friend Emma to the Mighty Boosh aftershow party for a wicked Booshy night of Booshy things and Booshyness! Ohhhh it's gona soooo Boooooosh!!! (Boosh Boosh Boosh!!) AND... tomorrow it's the Live show for the Mighty Boosh! Haha! (not obsessed much!! and yes, the events are the wrong way round! Haha!)
If you don't know what the Mighty Boosh is, then find out!
Ohhh what an amazing few days in the world of Emya! I think I'm now sitting in a wet patch!
Love and special times,
Emya xXx
Lottey made me feel so welcome straight away! She showed me the best night I've had in ages and I've thanked her a thousand times!

I managed to make my way through the London Underground all by myself, without any disasters, which I was pretty impressed with

It was so cool to get changed into our outfits together and seeing her pull out bras that she's worn in her sets

I went to Waterstones with Lottey too and saw all the girlies signing their books! I was even ushered into the group photos at the end!

Me and Lottey went to meet the beautiful Koneko in Kentish Town, man, she is so teeny tiny and cute I wanted to carry her around in my pocket! She likes my robot dance!

I saw Clariss who was even more stunning in the flesh, Lolo who was super sexy and super cool, but can't roll cigs to save her life! Hehe!

I was given a free book and got some of the girls to sign it! I was even asked to sign too! Haha!

After Peachy Keen, Lottey (who is also teeny tiny and soooo cute I just wanted to brush her hair and feed her grapes!) showed me a wicked night out in London, we boogied to metal tunes in this cool club and freezed our tits off on the way home! Had a McDonalds and laughed at some guy who puked on himself on the bus! Ewwwww!! Her boyfriend, Toby, was such a darlin' too! They are such a cool couple and he really made me feel welcome as well.
It was all so perfect, I keep replaying it in my head

Sorry if my 'gushing' is coming across as a tad uncool, but I don't care, haha! It was my first SG event, I felt totally in awe of the girls, since I've been admiring them for so long and they were all like talking to me and stuff! Haha!
Was wicked! And now I'm all smiley like a big goon!

AND... tonight, I am taking my bestest friend Emma to the Mighty Boosh aftershow party for a wicked Booshy night of Booshy things and Booshyness! Ohhhh it's gona soooo Boooooosh!!! (Boosh Boosh Boosh!!) AND... tomorrow it's the Live show for the Mighty Boosh! Haha! (not obsessed much!! and yes, the events are the wrong way round! Haha!)
If you don't know what the Mighty Boosh is, then find out!

Ohhh what an amazing few days in the world of Emya! I think I'm now sitting in a wet patch!

Love and special times,
Emya xXx
I'll get around to posting the pix soonies.
'Kentish Town, Kentish Town!' Have an awesome time at the Boosh.
I remember trying to mimic you but i had a wine glass in one hand and my camera
in the other so i probably looked like a right plum haha!
I wanna see you and feel up your yummy boobies again!!