Right! Now I've got your attention, since you've all been so quiet these past couple of days...
Check out my photo albums if you haven't already and leave me nice words and things
I have like over 200 friends and nowhere near that many comments. I'd like to know what you all think of lil' me, as my due date for 'Doodlebug' draws near (THE 29TH DECEMBER!!!)
So please take a little time to show your love and opinions on my piccies, I'd really appreciate it, I still feel like the new girl!
I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment much on all your current blogs etc, my stupid updates are still not working 3 weeks later, which is really pissing me off! And the fact that I'm not even called a 'hopeful' yet! Still a member! I feel like I'm at a disadvantage at the moment
which is a shame, so I'd love all your support
Here's a few modified piccies from my set to wet your taste buds! You like these? Then get your asses here Emya's Pics and leave your mark (not like a dog up a tree, well whatever floats your boat!!)
Love and territory marking
Emya xXx
(By the way, if your going to the SG book signing in Kentish Town, read my previous blog and get in touch!)

Right! Now I've got your attention, since you've all been so quiet these past couple of days...
Check out my photo albums if you haven't already and leave me nice words and things

So please take a little time to show your love and opinions on my piccies, I'd really appreciate it, I still feel like the new girl!

I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment much on all your current blogs etc, my stupid updates are still not working 3 weeks later, which is really pissing me off! And the fact that I'm not even called a 'hopeful' yet! Still a member! I feel like I'm at a disadvantage at the moment

Here's a few modified piccies from my set to wet your taste buds! You like these? Then get your asses here Emya's Pics and leave your mark (not like a dog up a tree, well whatever floats your boat!!)
Love and territory marking
Emya xXx
(By the way, if your going to the SG book signing in Kentish Town, read my previous blog and get in touch!)
