I've put up some new pics in my albums, so have a peep! Will be more later.
If you haven't christened my pics with love and words yet, well, what are you waiting for!!?
Congrats to America for voting for the right person! Let's hope Obama brings change for all of us and stays safe. I know everyone has high hopes for the future, so fingers crossed this is it!
Here is me getting changed during the little shoot I did last week... might spur you on to look for more! hehe
Love and hope,
Emya xXx

If you haven't christened my pics with love and words yet, well, what are you waiting for!!?

Congrats to America for voting for the right person! Let's hope Obama brings change for all of us and stays safe. I know everyone has high hopes for the future, so fingers crossed this is it!

Here is me getting changed during the little shoot I did last week... might spur you on to look for more! hehe
Love and hope,
Emya xXx

you're so lovely
and yeah idk, i think people are abit too hyped about Obama but they dont really know how this will turn out-noone will
i know we'd have been FUCKED it McCain was chosen though, so as you said, fingers crossed. We did our part now hopefully he'll do his lol
and the pics are pretty rockin' as well...