What a night!!!...
So, I went to see Rancid play last night...
Me and my boy were there, watching the support bands, I went to the toilets, heard some commotion outside the cubicle about someone smoking, obviously it's now against the law to smoke anywhere indoors, which fuckin sucks and I personally think its a heap of bullshit, but that's another story.
Anyway, there were about 5 girls smoking near where I was, and I got turfed out with them!!
I tried to fight off the woman bouncer, not with punches or anything I might add, I'm not violent in the slightest, but I tried to push her off and escape, but she chucked me outside, on my own, with all the guy bouncers laughing! I was so upset I had tears in my eyes and rang Shaun straight away to tell him what happened and he rushed out to find me.
They wouldn't let him out to see me, cuz there was also no pass outs for smoking or anything, so if he came out, he couldn't go back in. Bless him, he insisted he'd come home with me and came outside the venue, I told him no and got more upset, cause Rancid are his favourite band and I would have been distraught to allow him to miss the gig, but he said he couldn't enjoy it without me. We were in bits and Shaun kept arguing with the bouncers to let me back in. But they wouldn't!! No way in hell!!
It gets better....
So, we were all ready to leave the venue when a group of pissed up Polish guys started toying with the bouncers (hooray for the Polish! haha! I'm half Polish, so a little biased!) about 8 of them to 6 or 7 bouncers. Then it started to kick off, bottles being thrown, all the doormen and security ran over to them. Me and Shaun were right near the front doors, me outside of the fence, Shaun still on the other side. So Shaun said 'just fuckin jump over! quick!! '
So, something inside me just made me leap over the fence and run straight back in the venue!
I didn't even look back haha! I just fuckin ran for it!! Barging past people like a crazy woman! haha! I could hear them shouting for me as I ran into a crowd in the bar, ducked down and ran back into the main room haha! It was fuckin ace!! I couldn't believe I was back inside, but no Shaun...! 
I was frantically looking round for Shaun amongst a few thousand people, texted him to say 'are you in?? are you in?!' I thought they'd grabbed him...but they didn't!!
he found me and we hugged and bounced around like twats! It felt even more amazing to be there!!
Then about 2mins after, Rancid came on!
so it was perfect timing!!
Shaun told me after that he heard the bouncers shout, 'she's ran in the toilets!!' but I didn't...haha! I wasn't in the toilets!! hehehe! and they were cursing my name when they realised I'd got back in haha! Luckily, they just left Shaun to it.
So, I must say, it was a fuckin amazing night, which could have been so so bad! Rancid were awesome!! The support bands were shit, but ohhh Rancid were excellent and the night was perfect in the end! hehe!
Anyway, thanks for all your comments and messages, I'm a little busy at work today so will reply to them all asap, I still find it funny how my boobs seem to be causing such a stir and whenever I post them, I get about 20 messages and friend requests! hehe! That's what I'm here for folks!! I'm here to serve YOU!
Love and mosh pits,
Emya xXx
So, I went to see Rancid play last night...
Me and my boy were there, watching the support bands, I went to the toilets, heard some commotion outside the cubicle about someone smoking, obviously it's now against the law to smoke anywhere indoors, which fuckin sucks and I personally think its a heap of bullshit, but that's another story.
Anyway, there were about 5 girls smoking near where I was, and I got turfed out with them!!

I tried to fight off the woman bouncer, not with punches or anything I might add, I'm not violent in the slightest, but I tried to push her off and escape, but she chucked me outside, on my own, with all the guy bouncers laughing! I was so upset I had tears in my eyes and rang Shaun straight away to tell him what happened and he rushed out to find me.
They wouldn't let him out to see me, cuz there was also no pass outs for smoking or anything, so if he came out, he couldn't go back in. Bless him, he insisted he'd come home with me and came outside the venue, I told him no and got more upset, cause Rancid are his favourite band and I would have been distraught to allow him to miss the gig, but he said he couldn't enjoy it without me. We were in bits and Shaun kept arguing with the bouncers to let me back in. But they wouldn't!! No way in hell!!
It gets better....

So, we were all ready to leave the venue when a group of pissed up Polish guys started toying with the bouncers (hooray for the Polish! haha! I'm half Polish, so a little biased!) about 8 of them to 6 or 7 bouncers. Then it started to kick off, bottles being thrown, all the doormen and security ran over to them. Me and Shaun were right near the front doors, me outside of the fence, Shaun still on the other side. So Shaun said 'just fuckin jump over! quick!! '
So, something inside me just made me leap over the fence and run straight back in the venue!

I was frantically looking round for Shaun amongst a few thousand people, texted him to say 'are you in?? are you in?!' I thought they'd grabbed him...but they didn't!!

Shaun told me after that he heard the bouncers shout, 'she's ran in the toilets!!' but I didn't...haha! I wasn't in the toilets!! hehehe! and they were cursing my name when they realised I'd got back in haha! Luckily, they just left Shaun to it.
So, I must say, it was a fuckin amazing night, which could have been so so bad! Rancid were awesome!! The support bands were shit, but ohhh Rancid were excellent and the night was perfect in the end! hehe!
Anyway, thanks for all your comments and messages, I'm a little busy at work today so will reply to them all asap, I still find it funny how my boobs seem to be causing such a stir and whenever I post them, I get about 20 messages and friend requests! hehe! That's what I'm here for folks!! I'm here to serve YOU!

Love and mosh pits,
Emya xXx
I haven't seen Rancid play in ages. Not since... '98! Fuck me, I'm getting old...
you tease it we want it! haha and you teased me big time so you owe it to me more! :p hope all is well have a great day.