Happy tuesday to everyone 
I'm working til 6 tonight, then I'm off to see my bestest friend in the whole marshmallow filled universe, Emma (iki) I can't wait! We both work long hours and don't get to be together as much as we'd like, but she's always there in my noggin, along with boobies and stuff!
She's my photographer and fellow artist! (She's well better than me!!) She has loads of amazing hand painted canvas' to sell on her myspace profile iki art(hope that works, it's my first link hehe!) Buy one, or two, or ten!! People buy printed shit in the shops for stupid amounts and she paints them all herself, so support her and her amazing work
Can't wait to see her, we're discussing business plans for an Emya shop and website, ohhh you aint seen nothin' yet!
I'm also thinking about the theme of my next set, which I've found studio space for, so yep, the lighting will be much better next time! I have some cool ideas swirling around in my noodle!
This blog is dedicated to Emma, the girl of my dreams and the best friend I could ever wish for. Plus, she is the mastermind behind Emya and so talented I could puke!
Love you Emma, without you I wouldn't be writing this in SG right now!
( 'em' & 'ya' )

I'm working til 6 tonight, then I'm off to see my bestest friend in the whole marshmallow filled universe, Emma (iki) I can't wait! We both work long hours and don't get to be together as much as we'd like, but she's always there in my noggin, along with boobies and stuff!
She's my photographer and fellow artist! (She's well better than me!!) She has loads of amazing hand painted canvas' to sell on her myspace profile iki art(hope that works, it's my first link hehe!) Buy one, or two, or ten!! People buy printed shit in the shops for stupid amounts and she paints them all herself, so support her and her amazing work

Can't wait to see her, we're discussing business plans for an Emya shop and website, ohhh you aint seen nothin' yet!

This blog is dedicated to Emma, the girl of my dreams and the best friend I could ever wish for. Plus, she is the mastermind behind Emya and so talented I could puke!

Love you Emma, without you I wouldn't be writing this in SG right now!

( 'em' & 'ya' )

Nice tattoos by the way, are you getting the half sleeve coloured?