It's been a while. I'm pretty sure there's no one I need to apologize to tho.
Not a great deal has been going on, it's been good tho and I can't complain. I finished up work today and now I start my week holiday. I think this is my first holiday this year. Our flight leaves at an awful 6:50am tomorrow so we'll be up at 4:30. Nasty.
But then we're in Australia for a week, finishing up with the nine inch nails gig on monday night, then we leave the next morning to come home. We've got lots of people to catch up with and things to squeeze into our limited time but we're intent to enjoy ourselves this visit over there. The last few times haven't been too fun, funerals and rushing around measuring our time amongst our loved ones, so this visit is purely pleasure... and a few little nagging things.
Still waiting for my sg goodies! -If someone important in sg-land is listening.
I've been building a large model from scrap- Big buildings and some destroyed ones, basically a playground for the gundam mechs. Should be able to do some photographs with them soon. It all just needs more detail and texture in general, and I'd love some little people (less than 1cm). I'm on the search for little-people. If anyone has any idea on where to buy some I'd love to know.
I've been enjoying my new camera and I've taken a few ok shots, and some of the gundams with no backgrounds. I'd post some but if I go to bed soon I might be able to get 3 hours sleep before having to get up for the flight.
Not a great deal has been going on, it's been good tho and I can't complain. I finished up work today and now I start my week holiday. I think this is my first holiday this year. Our flight leaves at an awful 6:50am tomorrow so we'll be up at 4:30. Nasty.
But then we're in Australia for a week, finishing up with the nine inch nails gig on monday night, then we leave the next morning to come home. We've got lots of people to catch up with and things to squeeze into our limited time but we're intent to enjoy ourselves this visit over there. The last few times haven't been too fun, funerals and rushing around measuring our time amongst our loved ones, so this visit is purely pleasure... and a few little nagging things.
Still waiting for my sg goodies! -If someone important in sg-land is listening.

I've been building a large model from scrap- Big buildings and some destroyed ones, basically a playground for the gundam mechs. Should be able to do some photographs with them soon. It all just needs more detail and texture in general, and I'd love some little people (less than 1cm). I'm on the search for little-people. If anyone has any idea on where to buy some I'd love to know.
I've been enjoying my new camera and I've taken a few ok shots, and some of the gundams with no backgrounds. I'd post some but if I go to bed soon I might be able to get 3 hours sleep before having to get up for the flight.
the best place to find little people (other than the circus
i got my SG merch yesterday, which i ordered on the 20th od last month. hope that helps also.
im jealous, i wanna see NIN. lol. i'll live though.
have fun
and merch takes forever to get to this side of the planet, my last lot took about 9 weeks..