I'm back from Australia.. .. & back to earth & work & routine. *sigh*
The "holiday" felt so rushed that it's almost a relief to be back home & back into familiarity, my life-routine that I've mastered so well.
Brisbane was fun. We hired a little car & buzzed about town, saw friends, visited old haunts & memories, even drove past the house I grew up in in Chapel Hill. It hadn't changed.
It was great to see my family. My nan's 80th birthday coincided with our visit so the family (actually) got together & had a fancy restaurant dinner. Man, we're a strange bunch, but I miss them so.
Then there's Nine Inch Nails. Wow! It was at Brisbane Riverstage (which I've never seen a big band at before) & that was a great venue. The park is ampitheatre-shaped so we could stand on a hill (still close to the stage) & see the whole gig! I'm a rather girly height so this was the 1st gig I've been able to see in entirety. That is exciting. Most gigs Nik films while I watch the backs of heads or dance in my own world, then we go home & I get to watch the video of what happened on stage in total amazement like "Was that the same gig?!".
Then it was down to Sydney for the 2nd NIN gig...
We stayed with Nik's sister & hung out with his fam a bit, did tonnes of shopping. I got some cheap converse boots & Nik got a new dv-cam & 80GB iPod amongst it all. Plus we brought all our 100s of cds back with us! Yay music! Very heavy bags by this stage.
Then there's that sydney NIN gig.. .. Well, we turn up at Luna Park (a freaking awesome venue btw; it had that classic creepy deserted fairground-at-night atmosphere), and the place is ..well, deserted. Where the frak is everyone?
Then the security guard tells us the concert is cancelled. Trent has lost his voice & called off a couple of gigs. We were in shock. I had been struggling to get there with a bad cold, in bad Sydney traffic, Nik's sprained ankle & everything going against us that day, only to find out we were there for nothing. Fuck!
So we spent the night taking creepy fairground photos & drove to Darling Harbour for a wander & a hot chocolate, in a terrible mood, then went home. What a depressing night.
So, it's kinda nice to be back home again, even though it's Auckland. I'd really like to move to Sydney now. That is one fun city.
Well, congratulations for getting through all that. Have a cupcake. They have mocha icing.
The "holiday" felt so rushed that it's almost a relief to be back home & back into familiarity, my life-routine that I've mastered so well.

Brisbane was fun. We hired a little car & buzzed about town, saw friends, visited old haunts & memories, even drove past the house I grew up in in Chapel Hill. It hadn't changed.

It was great to see my family. My nan's 80th birthday coincided with our visit so the family (actually) got together & had a fancy restaurant dinner. Man, we're a strange bunch, but I miss them so.
Then there's Nine Inch Nails. Wow! It was at Brisbane Riverstage (which I've never seen a big band at before) & that was a great venue. The park is ampitheatre-shaped so we could stand on a hill (still close to the stage) & see the whole gig! I'm a rather girly height so this was the 1st gig I've been able to see in entirety. That is exciting. Most gigs Nik films while I watch the backs of heads or dance in my own world, then we go home & I get to watch the video of what happened on stage in total amazement like "Was that the same gig?!".

Then it was down to Sydney for the 2nd NIN gig...
We stayed with Nik's sister & hung out with his fam a bit, did tonnes of shopping. I got some cheap converse boots & Nik got a new dv-cam & 80GB iPod amongst it all. Plus we brought all our 100s of cds back with us! Yay music! Very heavy bags by this stage.
Then there's that sydney NIN gig.. .. Well, we turn up at Luna Park (a freaking awesome venue btw; it had that classic creepy deserted fairground-at-night atmosphere), and the place is ..well, deserted. Where the frak is everyone?

So we spent the night taking creepy fairground photos & drove to Darling Harbour for a wander & a hot chocolate, in a terrible mood, then went home. What a depressing night.

So, it's kinda nice to be back home again, even though it's Auckland. I'd really like to move to Sydney now. That is one fun city.
Well, congratulations for getting through all that. Have a cupcake. They have mocha icing.

Im soooooo extremely jealous