Well, just got back in town yesterday from Cedar Point. Was down there for the weekend for orientation..went well, met the other new peopleses. Looks like some good people to be working with, altho I am thinking I wont be seeing most of them a whole lot, since I will primarily be working nights..lol
Jeff is thrilled that I will be working nights..guess he had a constant battle last year to try to staff night fire/medics. There are only 1, possibly 2 other fire/medics that will be working full time out there, but theres a ton of part timers. Same thing with a lot of the fire/emt's...should be interesting.
I am moving a whole bunch of stuff out to my storage unit today..bed, table, bunch of other stuff. Gettin everything packed up, so that maybe I will be able to move just bout everything down the weekend of the 22nd..will have to come back into town the 26th to go for something, and then into kazoo on the 27th to get my fire and ems checks from here.
In other GREAT news...I got accepted for testing for Rochester Hills fire dept!!!! Full time, pays great, running an Advanced Life Support engine or heavy rescue, with EMT's that are on call that respond, pick up the bus, and head to teh scene. This is exactly what I have wanted to do for some time now, so it should be pretty cool! Wish me luck!!! Written testing is the 26th, with physical testing tentatively scheduled for May 18th..hopefully I can pass that too, but it doesnt look too bad.
Not a whole lot else new..the fucking government is taking money from me instead of giving back some of the rediculous amount I already gave em...fuckers
Yah..thats bout it..tattoo pics are still in teh folder if you didnt see em before
Jeff is thrilled that I will be working nights..guess he had a constant battle last year to try to staff night fire/medics. There are only 1, possibly 2 other fire/medics that will be working full time out there, but theres a ton of part timers. Same thing with a lot of the fire/emt's...should be interesting.
I am moving a whole bunch of stuff out to my storage unit today..bed, table, bunch of other stuff. Gettin everything packed up, so that maybe I will be able to move just bout everything down the weekend of the 22nd..will have to come back into town the 26th to go for something, and then into kazoo on the 27th to get my fire and ems checks from here.
In other GREAT news...I got accepted for testing for Rochester Hills fire dept!!!! Full time, pays great, running an Advanced Life Support engine or heavy rescue, with EMT's that are on call that respond, pick up the bus, and head to teh scene. This is exactly what I have wanted to do for some time now, so it should be pretty cool! Wish me luck!!! Written testing is the 26th, with physical testing tentatively scheduled for May 18th..hopefully I can pass that too, but it doesnt look too bad.
Not a whole lot else new..the fucking government is taking money from me instead of giving back some of the rediculous amount I already gave em...fuckers
Yah..thats bout it..tattoo pics are still in teh folder if you didnt see em before

mmm IV and morphine
Remind me when you see me on AIM. I'll tell you then.