A week in my hair in photos:
Start of the week, faded pink hair (sorry for the gormless photo, it's the only one I had of the hair in this state):
So, I decide I'm going to go red, because I love red hair. So... pre-lightened it to ash blonde, which is pretty much my natural hair colour:
Ok, so then it went red, except it was an orangey-red and not really what I was hoping:
So, tonight, me and my personal hairdresser (ha ha!) TequilaRayMax go to Tesco for black hairdye to cover over orangey hair.
So here it is, still wet and I have no make up on:
Next week: Emmy's hair drops out due to the stress of all this damn hairdye.
Start of the week, faded pink hair (sorry for the gormless photo, it's the only one I had of the hair in this state):
So, I decide I'm going to go red, because I love red hair. So... pre-lightened it to ash blonde, which is pretty much my natural hair colour:
Ok, so then it went red, except it was an orangey-red and not really what I was hoping:
So, tonight, me and my personal hairdresser (ha ha!) TequilaRayMax go to Tesco for black hairdye to cover over orangey hair.
So here it is, still wet and I have no make up on:
Next week: Emmy's hair drops out due to the stress of all this damn hairdye.
I have to say.. they all look really good, but I'm a purist, so the black gets my vote every time.
hi there, im from swansea (good to see a s.g grade girl from my home town. Would love to help pput with this tsunami concert, please get back to me about it