So I'm moving out of James' tonight. I really hope this helps him move on in his mind.
I have really bad PMS today and I'm friggin' knackered, which I'm sure made last night worse when I was out - out of about 10 people I knew in the pub, only 2 made the effort to even say so much as 'hi', the rest blanked me. The person who I was most dissapointed in was James' business partner/best friend, just made me think 'Well, fuck you. If you want to be immature about this and make someone elses problem your own then you're not even worth it', but still it bothers me.
I'm really not a bad person and it infuriates me so much that I'm being made out to be some sort of bitch in all of this. It was a mutual agreement to split up, but of course as with most break ups one person is made to be the useless, nasty piece of work who the other is better off without, whilst the other person is showered with sympathy and elevated to stupid levels.
James and I are actually getting along better since we both had an argument on Wednesday night because I didn't get back until 2am. It bothered me that to try make himself feel better and to make me feel like shit he'd mentioned one of his female friends had called me 'petulant and spoiled' and therefore it must be oath. I never do really get along with women, but I never really got along with most of his mates in particular, so on the one hand I feel annoyed at them saying that and on the other it makes me think they're a shallow idiot as I can guarantee this person never bothered to get to know me.
Anyway, rant over for today. One day I might be able to regain my faith in humanity.
I have really bad PMS today and I'm friggin' knackered, which I'm sure made last night worse when I was out - out of about 10 people I knew in the pub, only 2 made the effort to even say so much as 'hi', the rest blanked me. The person who I was most dissapointed in was James' business partner/best friend, just made me think 'Well, fuck you. If you want to be immature about this and make someone elses problem your own then you're not even worth it', but still it bothers me.
I'm really not a bad person and it infuriates me so much that I'm being made out to be some sort of bitch in all of this. It was a mutual agreement to split up, but of course as with most break ups one person is made to be the useless, nasty piece of work who the other is better off without, whilst the other person is showered with sympathy and elevated to stupid levels.
James and I are actually getting along better since we both had an argument on Wednesday night because I didn't get back until 2am. It bothered me that to try make himself feel better and to make me feel like shit he'd mentioned one of his female friends had called me 'petulant and spoiled' and therefore it must be oath. I never do really get along with women, but I never really got along with most of his mates in particular, so on the one hand I feel annoyed at them saying that and on the other it makes me think they're a shallow idiot as I can guarantee this person never bothered to get to know me.
Anyway, rant over for today. One day I might be able to regain my faith in humanity.

Breaking up sucks, it's such a mental and emotional drain.. Like you say though, those people hardly know you, so fuck 'em. Hope it all blows over soon mate.

Wishing you a good All Hallow's Eve.