Today is better and I have tomorrow off to sleep and write down the crap that's floating about in my head into my visual diary.
I want to shoot my set soon, but I'm worried by the leap of quality in sets recently. I guess I could shoot and learn by mistakes, but then there's the whole thing about trying to find a spare evening to shoot.
I'm terribly boring at the moment with all these ideas in my mind for my artwork, but not wanting to share them until they're a bit more fully formed. Pretty much I'm going for a personal nostalgia/entropy idea for one project and a Cindy Sherman-esque, confinement idea for my other one.
I want to shoot my set soon, but I'm worried by the leap of quality in sets recently. I guess I could shoot and learn by mistakes, but then there's the whole thing about trying to find a spare evening to shoot.
I'm terribly boring at the moment with all these ideas in my mind for my artwork, but not wanting to share them until they're a bit more fully formed. Pretty much I'm going for a personal nostalgia/entropy idea for one project and a Cindy Sherman-esque, confinement idea for my other one.
Cool. Drunk Scots talk. I cannae wait.

hmmm.. have you tried the hopefuls group? take a few pics and ask for some advice? hope it goes well hon