Today I am contemplating cutting my own fringe because I'm too lazy to go to a hairdressers and I don't really want to spend what little money I have on doing something I could probably do myself.
But then there's that little nagging voice in my head saying that really isn't a good idea.
But then there's that little nagging voice in my head saying that really isn't a good idea.
Question: How do I cut my fringe at home?
Don't! Leave it to the professionals - it's our job. Seriously, your hairdresser should offer free fringe trims in between your regular cuts.
However, if you must cut your own hair, then section off the fringe from the rest of your hair and use the points of your scissors to make tiny snips into the hair rather than hacking off a blunt line. Never, never cut a new fringe into a style that doesn't have one - believe me, what looks OK today might be a nightmare tomorrow.