Saturday Aug 07, 2004 Aug 7, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email I swear, my boyfriend has the most irritating flatmate ever. VIEW 11 of 11 COMMENTS soulfly: Anyway, how you getting on? You shot a new set yet? Am afraid I have been drinking tonight, so please excuse my gutter mouth, lewd behaviour, leering and wandering hands. Aug 7, 2004 soulfly: Sorry, don't look this way for inspiration. I have the immagination of a goldfish. Or is that the memory of a goldfish? Probably both. [Edited on Aug 07, 2004 4:02PM] Aug 7, 2004
Am afraid I have been drinking tonight, so please excuse my gutter mouth, lewd behaviour, leering and wandering hands.
Probably both.
[Edited on Aug 07, 2004 4:02PM]