While you may be (no really, you should be) calling and howling your descent into the voicemails of your local representatives, you should ABSOLUTELY be finding the numbers for the directors of your local hospitals that are refusing to care for trans folk and leaving them just the fucking worst sorts of derogatory statements on how bad they are at their god damned jobs.
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Just a legitimate heads up, everyone. We are days, not weeks, days away from a major death event in this country. It's likely to be disease related but its also very likely to be transportation related or help us all, DOE related. Either way, we are going to have a mass death/casualty event and yes, it will be all Elon Musk and Trump's fault.
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David Johansen, aka Buster Poindexter, lead singer of the New York Dolls. Without this man there would have been no Twisted Sister, no Culture Club, no male drag culture on main street at all, he needs help and its on every punk to chip it in.


Conversations about father...

Garrett remembered this rather one-sided conversation; it was the last one he had with his aunt before the strangers marched into the village square. The following day would be the last chance he had to have a day with Elizabeth and the day after that was his fateful solo trip to the swamps for one final hunt of the season before...
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Donald Trump is a filthy, degenerate liar and a moron. He has all the morals of a loafing lamprey ready to suck its meal. I genuinely hope the next shot doesn't miss.


Better off

“If you found her, even if you did. She wouldn’t want to be found by you.”

Garrett speaks the words out loud, slow, and steady. He follows the outburst by walking into the septic restroom the ancient jury-rigged so many years ago and looks at his hazy reflection in the mirror.

There is a disfigured, ashy apparition staring back at him. The...
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Spoilers ahead for the movie Blink Twice.
The movie was gorgeous. The color palette and choices of location shooting were phenomenal. The editing was good and the costuming was classic cult filmography.
That said, I am so sick and fucking tired of women having to be tortured and die in movies and books so the artist feels suddenly justified to exact any form of vengeance...
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