well people....i'm moving to sacramento aug 14th...i just got another tattoo(3 stars) vertical on my arm...its looks badass...and last night i finally saw sonic youth...i was so close to meeting them..but our timing was bad..they blew me away live..i didnt want the show to end...things are going pretty good for me...i just need to find a bass player and a drummer..i've already got another guitarist in sac waiting for me to move there..i wanna get this ball rolling..i know what your thinking....yes i really do play guitar and sing...i also play bass,drums and piano too...never judge a book by its cover........hahaha im joking,dont listen to me...I like to say dumb shit sometime...please forgive me.I need to make some friends on here....cause theres alot of cool people on here...c'mon you can talk to me...the worst thing that can happen is..you'll make a new friend..blah blah blah...ok im done talking for now

happy birthday!!!