Well, I must say that the SG show in Seattle was pretty cool. I mean obviously the show was cool, there were nekkid grrrls. What could be hotter than that? The band was also fun, if not exactly my taste. You just can't not like cute little Japanese girls doing metal, it's adorable. I also got to meet some very cool folks. I met Sinovia almost as soon as I walked in, and she was talking to Blyss who is one of my favorites. They were both super hot in person and entirely more friendly than could be expected. Then I introduced myself to Mr. Strongbad who was super cool and introduced me to Merit and Tawnya. I even saw Fractal there but I was too shy and she was busy selling merchandise. All in all it was a super cool show and I'm glad I went. If you were there, give me a shout, locals should be friendly.
Well, i am back in town for a week starting tomorrow. I am going to see the melvins tomorrow and the moistboyz on thursday. I have days open and no job.
I am back and forth from bellingham to here.......looking for a house and a job. I'll be here permanently soon. Hopefully i will have a move-in date this week.