Wow, things have really gotten away from me here. I hardly recognize the place. If there weren't still pictures of hot women all over I'd think I was lost. I hope everyone has had a great year so far, I'll try to catch up.
Last update of 05! haven't kept up that well, Oh well probably won't get any better. Check out my website, it ain't much but it's mine. That's what I'll be spending my computer time on in 06. Anyway, hope everyone has a safe and happy new years!
It's a little colder than I expected this early in the year. Between that and the rain it's almost a drag to go outside for a smoke. Oh well, sometimes we have to suffer for our vices. Ha!
Monday I'm going to the They Might Be Giants show at the Moore. It should be a good show, I've been a fan since college but have... Read More
Well, I must say that the SG show in Seattle was pretty cool. I mean obviously the show was cool, there were nekkid grrrls. What could be hotter than that? The band was also fun, if not exactly my taste. You just can't not like cute little Japanese girls doing metal, it's adorable. I also got to meet some very cool folks. I met Sinovia... Read More
Well, i am back in town for a week starting tomorrow. I am going to see the melvins tomorrow and the moistboyz on thursday. I have days open and no job.
I am back and forth from bellingham to here.......looking for a house and a job. I'll be here permanently soon. Hopefully i will have a move-in date this week.
O.K. the last entry made me sound like a complete idiot...which I am! I didn't intend to go this long without an update. There isn't really that much to tell, I tend to avoid drastic sudden changes in my life. I went to the art opening at Roq La Rue last night. My friend had a piece in the show so I went with him.... Read More
Wow, I checked my bookmarks and there is nothing new. That's a first. I was so startled I decided to update myself. You know, to be proactive. I now have two friends that have gone grey... was it something I said? So is something going down with SG or is this just a cyclic kind of thing? Well I guess I'll just have to sit... Read More
Your posted looked loney with no comments. Yea, I've notice people are dropping too, or talking about leaving. Its probably the time of year - Fall, september, stuff starts up (school), holidays, etc.
Oh Geez. I finally dun did it. I caved in and ordered my first humidor. I've been fighting it for a while but what can you do? You can't be healthy all the time, right? I never would have expected to enjoy smoking a cigar but I do. Oh the guilt, I can't wait.
I quit smoking through a mixture of really good and really bad cigars - good at the start of the night or when I needed a nic fix, bad as I became more intoxicated. Through time I stopped buying the good cigars, leaving me with the bad ones... When that wasn't enough, I stopped brushing my teeth after a night of smoking shitty cigars, and voila. Now I can't stand the taste or smell of anything. And I used to smoke 3 packs a day!
So, if you ever want to quit - do the switch.
Thanks for the welcoming - I have a couple friends out in seattle, maybe i'll look you up one day
Do you really care how lame Everett is? Well I'll tell you anyway. I went to this shithole tavern to see some friends of a friend do standup comedy. I wasn't expecting too much, I'd only met one of them before and they are pretty young. Only myself and three other people showed up to see the comics. This place had like 15 regulars that... Read More
I fully agree. Everett blows. I pick up many a bodies at Providence ColbyHospital, and everytime I take my exit off the freeway I cringe. An hour in Everett (and it's traffic) is like an hour in ... Kent!! It's good people watching though.