What's this?!?! An update?!?!? Hell Hath Frozen Overeth! Okay nothing much new with me.. Started a new quarter at school, joy. All my friends are now married blah i'm last as usual. Gonna go camping this weekend that outta be fun. Heading up to the sequoias to do some hiking and probably take some pictures. Trees rule. I've been working a bit on my website doing a few much needed updates yay! Hanging out on the Palace wasting precious time. If your interested in yet another addiction besides SG try www.thepalace.com highly addictive if your that sort of person. Anyhow thanks for all the comments on the last entry i'm kind of a lurker type so i read em but seldom reply. If ya pursue it i do reply though =) i'm just a fuckin lazy ass... All righty then i'm outta here for another 6 months.. kidding!!
-Fighting the urge to say something rude to someone who essentilly asked to see my genitals.