10/5: Share something you have crafted or DIY'd that you're proud of
When I was in high school I was given the opportunity to take Ceramics class.
I have always enjoyed art and being hands on, so pottery was the perfect outlet.
I took ceramics for 2 years, molding, sculpting and painting clay
So, I have more hand made pieces then I can share
I moved on to take art in College where I won 3rd place in the Art Charette with my pastel drawing "The View"
My artwork was hung up in the Leepa Rattner Museum over the summer before returning it to me.
My favorite piece however, was my Stargazer Bust
It took a couple weeks to complete her, but she was worth it
Stargazer sits at my dad’s house now on the entertainment center ^_^
"The View" is still in the tube container the college mailed it in to me since I never got a frame for it... ^_^'
Beginning stage of Stargazer
Completed Stargazer
The View