"There is a good reason why I'm grinding my face into this carpet. No, really, perfectly good reasons. Stop looking at me like that!"

I didn't have a chance to say this at the time, as I was laid out behind the buy counter on our store's rough carpeted floor, my back stiff as a board. I should have said it, but I didn't. A...
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i want answers yo! wink go check your question thread.
i vote for Niobe and Norton as SG's resident know it alls.
That episode sounds like a book store version of High Fidelity. biggrin

That's some pretty awful writing. I'm not sure I would have made it as far as you did. "Illustrious seed" was the knockout punch for me.
Nothing to report about the last few days. There was nothing of significance to break the cycle of work-eat-sleep-read-watch-listen-work-etc-etc that is my life at the moment. Thankfully, Saturday was a bit more eventful. For absolutely no practical reason, I'm going to talk about these events in reverse order (from evening to early morning).

This evening: my room-mate Grant is back at his parent's house, dogsitting...
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*Long Post Alert! Batten Down The Hatches! Run For Your Lives!*

Saints be praised, pass the malt liquor around, and may every politician that isn't Mark Foley kiss the next baby they see! For my computer, ladies and gents, is now virus free. Thanks to Eric's search and destroy suggestions, my computer has reverted to its former self. I haven't posted in the last couple...
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i hate...HATE book thieves!!!

When are you coming over? I have the chilies and the papaya!!! smile wink eeek ooo aaa

I worked in a used bookstore and this guy would come in, ask us what we bought so we'd tell him some authors. next day he'd come back with them. well one was a signed book by Jim Harrison that I saw at another used bookstore a few blocks away so i called the cops. I tried to stall him but he got away...on his bike!!!! Well, we never saw him after that!!! Dickass!!!!
It's funny and sad that the only stereotype I had about Arizona was the whole methlabcentral thing... is it really as bad as you make it sound? Your tweaker stories are hilarious, so it's not entirely a bad thing either.
If at some point in the last 24 hours, if you heard a blood-curdling war cry emanating from the American Southwest, that was the sound of me screaming at my computer. To be more exact, I was screaming at the spyware and viruses that had infected my computer and started fucking with my Internet Explorer. I spent much of Saturday morning running anti-viral program after...
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i hate computers.
I bet a dozen people have already said this, but you should really stop using Internet Explorer. Have you given Firefox or Opera a try? It won't help with what's already on your computer, but it's at least a little bit of protection against new stuff.
I spent part of my afternoon rummaging through my bookshelves, looking for money. I'm pretty broke right now, and rent is on the horizon, so I'm forced to resort to pulling a chunk of texts out of my beloved shelves. Fortunately, the vast majority of the titles I've pulled are books that, quite frankly, I'll probably never get around to reading. I hate to part...
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At work today, I had a nice hearty laugh at Tom Wolfe's expense. I'm cleaning up the buy counter, pricing and putting away books, when I stumble onto a trade paperback of I Am Charlotte Simmons (which happens to be a book that I would read only upon pain of death or the promise of fat stacks of cash). Printed in big letters on the...
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My ex bought I Am Charlotte Simmons, and made it about half way through. I picked it up on the can one day and read two pages. That's all the Tom Wolfe I expect to read. Ever.

Your response in the 'Would you date me?' thread was uproariously funny. Well done.
I had a day off today, and I must say that as much as I like not working, having a day all to one's self in an area with little to do and not much money to do anything interesting sucks total ass. I read a couple of more chapters in Demanding The Impossible (just finished sections on Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity and their ideological...
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My time at work today was taxing, it was vexing, and most of all, it was slower than a stream of molasses going uphill. Not that the day was bad, things just seemed to crawl along at a snail's pace.

Things that kept my sanity intact while working today:

1) Roxy Music and The B-52s occasionally surfacing on our Magical Randomizing Disc Player. Few things...
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Do people in Phoenix really call themselves Phoenicians? That's fucking ace! When Cali becomes an Island, you have to find a nice little inlet in what used to be the desert and call it Novo Novo Cartago.

Cat people terrify me.

Roxy Music is a band I've heard very little of but have always intended to hear more of.

1.) Fucking awesome.

2.) You've actually swayed me the other way. Now that I've considered the idea of "Mr. Whisker's Complaint", I have to support the cat people until that novel is written. I must must must read it.

3.) Thanks for the suggestions. I'm a relatively big Eno fan, (which is how I got interested in Roxy to begin with) so I'll follow your advice and try the early stuff first.

So are you primarily a punk/new wave fan now? Or was the SLC punk thing misleading?
Good morning, loyal readers. It is time once again for another round of raves, rambles, rants, and ribaldry courtesy of your friendly neighborhood broke-ass writer. As you can see from the previous sentence, I'm a big fan of abuse. Every one indulges in the habit to some degree. Some people abuse the system. Some people abuse their children. Some people abuse their spouses.. Me? I...
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Don't fool yourself. You don't write journal entries, you write chapters. However, you write rather well, much better than I do, to which I have to say: Thank God I'm not attempting to write novels as your superior writing skills and our apparent nearness in age would otherwise be a discouragement. As it is, screenplays can get away with so-so writing here and there as long as the dialogue is good.

With regard to cinema, you have a good point, but you neglected to consider how heavily advertised most Hollywood films are. Of the "indie" examples you mentioned, only Napoleon Dynamite (and even then, I might have just not seen it) weren't advertised. Thus, gems like Thank You For Smoking, to name a recent example, pass relatively unnoticed as much because most people never hear about them. Then again, you might be able to pin that one on the public as well. Working at a movie theatre this past winter, the patron's exclamations of delight upon exiting Cheaper By the Dozen 2 and The Benchwarmers certainly swings the argument in your favor.

Before I peel myself off my chair and shuffle off to bed, I figured I'd pop up in ye old journal and post something post-able.

Went back to Camelview today and saw Half Nelson. Aside from Brick, Half Nelson is shaping up to be in my top 3 best indie films of the year. I was leary at first, because what little press there...
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A'dam = Amsterdam and Reims is in France... (within the Champagne region) going there to visit a Champagne house, specifically Vueve Cliquot. I should be in Amsterdam for three days, Reims for 1.5, then Paris for the rest of the week. Since its such a short time, i'm trying not to have too many expectations and really just want experince what ever happens in the moment. I have tickets to a football match in Paris, so that should be fun... I have reservations at Veuve Cliqot, as well... otherwise, there isn't much planned and that is how I like it. =)

I just read your advice column. You are the cleverer, to be sure. I was glad to read your review of Brook's new book as I have not had time to pick up a copy myself. I'm in the process of writing a character-driven zombie screenplay and heard that Brad Pitt's production company had picked up the movie rights to WWZ, but as long as his story doesn't infringe upon my vision, then I think I have little to worry about (little being attempting to sell a moderately expensive to make screenplay about zombies to someone who actually has a shot of getting it made as compared to doing the same above with something similar already in the works elsewhere). What a neurotic life we lead.