Quick post before retiring to my slanted bed (damn bent supporting wooden boards...):
saw Heaven Can Wait tonight. Never saw an Ernst Lubistch film before. Now I'll have to make a point of seeing his other work. So many of the film's lines keep ringing in my head. A couple of choice selections:
"Crime? Well, I'm afraid I can't think of any. But I can safely say that my whole life was one continuous misdemeanor." (now if that isn't an epitaph worthy of dying for, I don't know what is).
Or this exchange between Henry and his son:
Henry: "Put yourself in my position. I'm lonesome. You're always away somewhere on business, and being alone in this big old house night after night...you don't know what it's like."
Jack: "Neither do you, because you're never at home."
Henry: "But I can IMAGINE what it's like!"
I also dig the film's depiction of His Excellency (aka El Diablo Supremo). He's portrayed as a fairly genteel sort, very refined, debonair, not a hint of real malice, almost a textbook paragon of the affable civil servant. My only complaint is that the film didn't have enough devil (you have to love a film that inspires a critique like that).
But anyway, enough with the movie geekery. Updates: dinner with the family yesterday went fairly well. The wine was dry but the cheese was good (which is odd, because I NEVER eat cheese and yet have discovered a brand I like). It was nice eating an honest-to-god steak for a change, instead of the cheap bachelor shit I live on back at the apartment. Still going through Chuck's "Choke" and still digging it. I think I'll read Richard Matheson's "I Am Legend" next...
And I'm Out Like A Light (crashes to the floor snoring).
P.S. What I've been rocking on Ye Old iPod lately: The Coup, the new Liars album, Cranes, and a whole lot of Wu-Tang Clan. It is scientifically impossible for a human being to have too much Tang in their life. I'm proof of that. Nothing makes me sleep more soundly than the gentle stylings of "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthin' To Fuck Wit".
P.S.S. The Ghostface Killah album lives up to the hype. As the "kids" would say, its shit-hot craziness. Me, I just say that I would kill a parking lot full of puppies to write a piece of fiction that was half as vivid and compelling as Ghostface's "Shakey Dog" is. The detail in that song is just astounding. Final bit of good news: turns out Emusic is carrying a lot of the old Go-Betweens album (score!). OK, now I'm out like a light. I'm out like Steve Buscemi in a boxing match with Evander Holyfield. I'm out like Liberace. I'm out like the Pentagon Papers, etc etc (anything to keep myself from actually doing something reasonable, i.e. sleeping).
pmonkeyEsquire: *bows* I''m just a humble representer of good taste. I consider it nothing short of a crime when I meet people who HAVEN'T read any Ellroy and PKD. I cringe whenever I walk by my store's mystery book section, due mostly to our glaring absence of any Ellroy. He's still alive, isn't he? I hope so; I can't wait to read whatever he's got brewing in that juicy brain. And The Long Goodbye is quite amazing. The only other Chandler book that I like as much is probably Farewell My Lovely (just for the seedier-than-seedy atmosphere that covers the book from front to back; plus, its hard to hate a book when it has a character named Moose Malloy).
Thanks for the comments, all. Seeing actual people read my ramblings means that I'll have to update this a bit more often.
*Every time I think of those "I Can See!" miracles, I always wonder what would happen if the person who just miracliously got their sight restored was immediately exposed to something absolutely horrid.
Case in point:
MAN regains his eyesight.
MAN: I can see! I can see! Praise Da Lord, I CAN SEE!
Across from the man is a television playing Battlefield Earth. Next to the tv is ANOTHER tv playing The Passion Of The Christ.
MAN: Oh, goddamn it. (promptly gouges eyes out with a butter knife).