Torts II: Prof. is the President of the Honors Program, faculty advisor to law review, tenured, and supposedly the hardest grading professor in the school (whatever that means really, but I'll take it). Demanded well reasoned answers and not just puking up "the rules."
How did I do?
One of four As. That's right bitches. EMOX is feeling proud of himself.
As far as the rest of my exams, my grades improved on all my doctrinal classes and had a definite moral victory it Legal Methods and Research. Unfortunately, my life is confined to fucking school right now. I wish I had something that was actually interesting to tell you like a rendevouz with a succulent Italian PhD candidate, but lo-and-behold, I am lame.
The most exciting thing in my life right now is waiting to hear back from the law review editors and I'm not feeling so good about my submission--c'est la vie.
How did I do?
One of four As. That's right bitches. EMOX is feeling proud of himself.
As far as the rest of my exams, my grades improved on all my doctrinal classes and had a definite moral victory it Legal Methods and Research. Unfortunately, my life is confined to fucking school right now. I wish I had something that was actually interesting to tell you like a rendevouz with a succulent Italian PhD candidate, but lo-and-behold, I am lame.
The most exciting thing in my life right now is waiting to hear back from the law review editors and I'm not feeling so good about my submission--c'est la vie.

I could use a succulent Italian PhD candidate myself. Oh well.

You were away when SP passed. It was over New Year's. It was eerie because of the previous New Year's when he got hurt.