The New CE
I'm gathering we're no longer able to have fun anymore?
The silliness hates us for being too serious, and the CEers now hate us for being too silly.
No LOLcats? Are you serious? LOLcats are essential to political discourse.
I suppose it's appropriate that my account is about to expire.
Good luck to the rest of you, I hope the "fun squad" keeps it serious, because we all know SG CE threads are serious.

I'm gathering we're no longer able to have fun anymore?
The silliness hates us for being too serious, and the CEers now hate us for being too silly.
No LOLcats? Are you serious? LOLcats are essential to political discourse.
I suppose it's appropriate that my account is about to expire.
Good luck to the rest of you, I hope the "fun squad" keeps it serious, because we all know SG CE threads are serious.

remember that.
Good luck with your life, your goals and everything I would love if we could continue to grow as friends.