I think my heart is upset with me. Actually I know she is upset with me. She tells me everyday that I give my brain way too much authority on subjects that she is much more knowledgeable in. She told me two days ago that brain is too boring he overthinks, over-analyzes, and is frankly quite arrogant because he thinks that reason reigns supreme over any form of emotion. Heart told me, " Yeah he is smart, yeah he is protected, but is he happy? I am pretty sure that if he listened to me he may not be as secure, but he would be a lot happier." I asked heart how that could be possible. She replied, " Anything that is worth having in life involves risk. It takes me to get what you want!" " Well, i think Brain is doing a pretty good job, he keeps me out of trouble, I have a pretty decent social life, and I am relatively happy." " But Amarro are you getting what you want out of life, I think you are just settling." I took a sip of my tea and I stared at my date. I loved her eyes because I could hear her sweet heart yearning to to communicate with mine. Her eyes signaled that she was tired of talking to Brain. My heart whispered to me, " Trust me, when have I ever let you down?" I asked my date, " You want to get out of here and go dancing." Her eyes, yes those beautiful eyes flickered with excitement and her heart spoke to mine and I will never forget how sultry her heart sounded. " It is funny to me that men are taught that boys think with their hearts and men with their minds, little do they know that a true man knows when to lead with his heart and when to lead with his mind."
I think the heart is always smarter than the brain, and the brain can actually most of the time be very, very stupid in all of its logic, and logic may make the brain as stupid as it can be.
Hahaha. Your username is epic. Thought provoking blog.