Isn't it wild what life can do to you? We are born, eat, sleep, fall in love, then die. Some of us focus on one more than others ( especially the eating in Texas), however it's all fine because we should live for happiness nothing more nothing less. I think that the negative attitude of just waking up and feeling like shit has to cease. Enjoy the day and anything sux see it as a welcoming challenge to overcome ( plus i heard it is good for your confidence) Broke up with your partner see it as time to do stuff on your own rediscover yoursel because so many times in relationships we lose a sense of self because we cannot fathom the thought of acting out of character and losing that person. go watch that movie, go read that book. life is a beautiful thing I mean out of all the thousands of sperm that wre shot out YOU won and it is for a good reason. You are so special and eventhough you may not even fit in with your current environment or your parents give you hell for the way you are. Know that just when you are reading this there is someone out there that would love to take you out and talk to you. You are special and don't let anyone else try to tell you differently. You are one with the earth and one with God. So please love yourself and I swear someone will love you
thank you for the add!