Contemporary liberalism has created sanctions against speaking out against " disenfranchised" minority groups. Has it ever occured that when non-blacks are speaking; when the word " black" comes into context most people say it in a tone of a whisper? I guess common knowledge tells us that their is an invisble angry black men who frequents non-black circles and when the word "black" is mentioned he magically appears and beats the bloody pulp out the offender. Liberal thought appears to be well intentioned, compassionate, and idealistic. Liberal thought makes us feel warm inside. We go to sleep better at night knowing that their are social programs, universal health care, and public social security. If we are against the aforementioned we are labeled " demonic, evil, greedy, and selfish." Are we really that selfish or do we value pragmatism and practicality more than we value idealism? Pertaining to my own life I am idealistic. I believe that nice guys should get all the girls, people should call each other back, be courteous to elderly, open doors for women, love those who deserved to be loved, but don't abandon the ones that aren't worthy. I love my ideals and when I see them broken they confuse me. I don't understand why girls like assholes? It is stupid to like someone that treats you poorly and unkindly, but girls have that freedom to choose. Would you find it silly if I were in some type of authority and I legislated a law that stated. " Women who date assholes will be punished with up to a year in jail and hard labor?' Many of you would disagree. However, it would benefit women, and the nice guys who deserve quality women. Unless you disagree with the concept that women would benefit from dating nice guys, you really couldn't dispute the logic. Women are free to choose what type of man they want to date, if they make poor decisions it is not the government's duty to protect them it is the duty of friends and family. I can't make you subscribe to my idealogy, I was raised by a different family, have had different experiences, my environment may be different than yours. Barring infringement on rights, it
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