I hope everyone got hooked up as well as me and Stirfry did. we got so much including a video camera, portable dvd and on and on. Stirfry's mom got me the cutest things for the baby. I fall more in love with his crazy mom everyday.
My brothers are both home for xmas which is sweet. I think me and Stirfry will be getting the paint for the baby's room this week. which is so cool! our room doesn't have a real theme but all the things we like and people have got us is with star on it. our crib set is a light blue color with stars and moons on it. the other items is the room will be cows since i love cow things (minus the steak).
My brothers are both home for xmas which is sweet. I think me and Stirfry will be getting the paint for the baby's room this week. which is so cool! our room doesn't have a real theme but all the things we like and people have got us is with star on it. our crib set is a light blue color with stars and moons on it. the other items is the room will be cows since i love cow things (minus the steak).
I can't wait to see that baby! Perhaps us SG folk should help start a college and tattoo fund.