So it's Tuesday, and rather than being at uni, I'm here, again.

Been in bed for the past week now with some mistery illness, but I'm much better now thankyou, and ready to return to the boredoms that are my life.

I used to get loads of mystery illnesses when I was in college...Oh no wait, I mean made up illnesses haha. I hope you feel better x
Well, I'm Bryson. Nice to meet you too!
love love love love love love love
I am so bored.
And i know how you all love to hear about my life in all its boredness.

So here goes.
Today, I got up at 5.30am. It was so damn cold i thought my toes would drop off.

Then I got to uni, late for class, only to be told that the tutor canned the class. LAME.

So im in...
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Thanks for the happy birthday!
I feel so ill. Lame

I hate being sick, it happens too often.
This time, it's an upper respiratory chest infection.

Even worse, its been going like this since before Wednesday, and tho the doctor said it owuld go away soon, it feels like it will be here for a while longer.
The medication does nothing, stupid weak drugs.

I can't breathe.

I'm glad I'm a girl.
Its just the excuse I need to take hours getting dressed up to go out. Hair, makeup, what clothes, what shoes.
I love it.
smile and were prettier than the boys wink
SGAU National hookup..... please read it! smile
Went to Canberra for the weekend. it was fun i guess. that was the first time ive been since i turned 18, and i was really looking forward to having a fun couple of nights out.
friday was a quiet one, however. we rocked up at our friends house at about 8.30, and he took us (my sister and i) to some vikings club. the...
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The new year's getting off to a good start I suppose. Nothing to complain about. Except that my promise to myself that I would shape up has not come into play as of yet.
That's just laziness I suppose.
Looking into getting wireless at home. I think that would work out well for me. With uni and all. I just think its a little expensive....
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Bega. As in the cheese.

Not an exciting place in the least.
Left Paulie, as in the person, at home for 4 days. Not funn. Sorry Paulie.

Went to visit my nan. in the Bay. We get there, and the next day, she is in hospital. akes you wonder what some people will do to get away from me. Or is that my sisters...?

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just wanted to say hi - you have a pretty smile. smile
I bought the laptop yay!

I think I'm going to go to Thailand too. I just wont be going anywhere for a while til then.

Stupid Christmas.

Ive spent $600 buying presents for people for a holiday which I dont even celebrate.

I really should get some kind of award for this.

So Merry Christmas to everyone anyway. Hope its a good day.

Hope its...
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Ok, so a laptop now.
Wireless broadband.

Ok. So does that mean no Thailand now?

I dont know. I cant think.

What do I need?

What do I want?

This sucks.

I wish I was rich.
a laptop, cool....

wireless broadband - definetely....

Thailand, exotic and exciting....

I know what you mean, i feel it too....xx eeek
So its done.
I moved. only about 4 suburbs, but closer to the city all the same. I'm working my 6th day today. Tomorrow will be 7 straight. I'm tired. I need more sleep. I don't want to go to work. But need money to fund my addictions. McDonalds. New piercings. My tatt which dad WILL NOT be seeing lest i wish to be thrown...
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