Ha ha ha... who get's caught driving around with 82 lbs of coke in the trunk of their SUV?!?!? Wouldn't you be driving so god damn carefully that there wouldn't be a snowball's chance in hell that a cop could even make up a reason to pull you over?!?!?...But, noooo... some asshole did get caught right here in Springfield, MA.
What kinda of dickless pussy-ass empty-souled asshole rips a gold chain off the neck of a 7 year old girl?!?!?!
The news makes me angry...!....people are fucked up
I wonder what the ratio is between people who slice toast diagonally vs people who cut is down the middle vertically....
It's raining out. Not hard enough for the whipers to be on regular but too much for the "every once in a while" setting... Why do I let stupid shit like this irritate me?
I'm High
I need to sleep before work tonight.
I need to stop thinking about this girl cause she has a girlfriend.
This girl needs to stop making me think of her...
I'm Tired
I'm High
What kinda of dickless pussy-ass empty-souled asshole rips a gold chain off the neck of a 7 year old girl?!?!?!
The news makes me angry...!....people are fucked up
I wonder what the ratio is between people who slice toast diagonally vs people who cut is down the middle vertically....
It's raining out. Not hard enough for the whipers to be on regular but too much for the "every once in a while" setting... Why do I let stupid shit like this irritate me?
I'm High
I need to sleep before work tonight.
I need to stop thinking about this girl cause she has a girlfriend.
This girl needs to stop making me think of her...
I'm Tired
I'm High