ahhhhhhhhh so since submitting my set and it being accepted for MR, i have been given my 'hopeful' account... im so incredibly frustrated with this, i thought that when you were already a member your accounts just combined.
So now im going to have to cancel this one and try and find all of you all over again. not to mention lose all my blogs...
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Gahh so the weekend just gone was so good! seriously, i have come away feeling so much more confident in myself and my modelling, its a good feeling as i have always been so unsure of myself.
SO, first of we will start with friday night! Holy moly did we get to see some awesome bands! First up was a band from Byron Bay (i...
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So im hoping my blog today will work, my last few have failed and i gave up before i nearly threw my mac at the wall haha
so the new site is warming on me, I'm actually starting to enjoy it! i did have a little trouble logging into my hopeful/model account though and had a scare because i thought i would have to apply...
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You should definitely make yourself a harness! It was so much fun to make. All I bought was different style black elastic, rhinestones, no-sew-snaps, thread and needles. I'm also getting some chains, ribbon, and studs to add to it though. Once I had measured and pinned everything in place it was super easy! I'm going to make a bunch of them in different styles for my store. STOKED!!