I guess I go to Chattanooga Wednesday to help put the finishing touches on the tattoo shop that will be opening Saturday. I'm having very mixed emotions about this. It will be nice to be working again (and possibly managing the shop) but at the same time I'm going to miss the life I'm comfortable with here. Actually, I think my main issue is leaving Chris. If it weren't for him I'd have no problems up and going, but I will miss him terribly. I keep telling myself he is the only reason I'd stay in this town and he wont even stay the night here ... it seems unfair. I'm a firm believer that a woman should be able to provide for herself, I depend on no one ... I can't put all of my faith in us being together forever when I really dont know that we will be. I'm doing this for me and me alone. The Sacred Heart crew is like family to me so I wont be alone ... I have lived with Tony before. Given, Tony wont be in Chatty ... Tom will actually be my boss.
I can't lie - I have been suffering from a severe case of wanderlust lately. Briefly I thought I was getting depressed again, and the I figured out I'm actually just really bored. hahahaha.
I'm rather proud of myself. I was actually productive today. I broke down the 55gal aquarium in the living room. I gave all the fish away because they were small and boring so I can set up salt water in that tank. I moved ALL of the rocks and decorations into the 40gal in my bedroom (upsetting Spot the cichlid to no ends!) and cleaned up all of the water I got everywhere! This took me like 6 hours probably. Hey, it really sucks getting 55 gallons of water out of a tank by yourself! lol
have a photo
I can't lie - I have been suffering from a severe case of wanderlust lately. Briefly I thought I was getting depressed again, and the I figured out I'm actually just really bored. hahahaha.
I'm rather proud of myself. I was actually productive today. I broke down the 55gal aquarium in the living room. I gave all the fish away because they were small and boring so I can set up salt water in that tank. I moved ALL of the rocks and decorations into the 40gal in my bedroom (upsetting Spot the cichlid to no ends!) and cleaned up all of the water I got everywhere! This took me like 6 hours probably. Hey, it really sucks getting 55 gallons of water out of a tank by yourself! lol
have a photo
Hey women can rock on their own and sometimes have no choice to, so don't worry, what's meant to happen will be for the best even if it sucks a bit at first. You'll be stronger in the long run!