I've been thinking a lot today about how things change while at the same time staying the same.
10 years ago:
I was working for Coca-Cola.
I was really shy at work
I was in a band
I was living at home
I hung out with the guys in the band a lot.
When not with the band guys I was with my friend's Katie and Linds.
We hung out at the local pub a lot
We went out to the same places every weekend.
5 Years ago:
I had changed jobs to an ethical company
Not as shy at work
No longer in the band
Living with my then boyfriend
Was pretty sure I was with the guy I would spend the rest of my life with.
Didn't really see Katie and Linds much at all.
Still went to the same places every week, but different places to the 5 years before.
Thought my life then was my life forever and I would die if things changed.
My life now:
Still at the ethical company but to be totally honest have lost some of my principles.
Not at all shy at work or in many other situations at all really
Still haven't picked up my bass guitar in years
Live on my own. Loved that until very recently.
I have a new guy of 4 months. He's amazing. I love him.
I really do hope he's *THE* guy. It feels like he is... it really does.
I see Katie a lot again. And Linds sometimes who was the first of us to have a kid or get engaged.
Don't really go to the same places.
I've traveled.
I know that if things were to change it would suck for a while but I'd get over it and move on.
I appreciate my friends more than ever. Old and new. These last few weeks really have revealed who cares about me.
Things have changed but I kind of feel the same. I feel a lot more confident in myself. I've learned a fuck of a lot about things, about how to treat other people and how to try to deal with things. I've learned I'll probably never be happy with my body but I've kind of learned that I'm happy with that. I've learned that not trusting people hurts a lot more than trusting them. I've also learned that if I could only apply myself I'd go far... but I'm shit at applying myself.
I really do wonder what will happen in the next 10 years. I know what I would like to happen but I'm not gonna put those things here. They're secret hopes that I don't want to jinx.
10 years ago:
I was working for Coca-Cola.
I was really shy at work
I was in a band
I was living at home
I hung out with the guys in the band a lot.
When not with the band guys I was with my friend's Katie and Linds.
We hung out at the local pub a lot
We went out to the same places every weekend.
5 Years ago:
I had changed jobs to an ethical company
Not as shy at work
No longer in the band
Living with my then boyfriend
Was pretty sure I was with the guy I would spend the rest of my life with.
Didn't really see Katie and Linds much at all.
Still went to the same places every week, but different places to the 5 years before.
Thought my life then was my life forever and I would die if things changed.
My life now:
Still at the ethical company but to be totally honest have lost some of my principles.
Not at all shy at work or in many other situations at all really
Still haven't picked up my bass guitar in years
Live on my own. Loved that until very recently.
I have a new guy of 4 months. He's amazing. I love him.
I really do hope he's *THE* guy. It feels like he is... it really does.
I see Katie a lot again. And Linds sometimes who was the first of us to have a kid or get engaged.
Don't really go to the same places.
I've traveled.
I know that if things were to change it would suck for a while but I'd get over it and move on.
I appreciate my friends more than ever. Old and new. These last few weeks really have revealed who cares about me.
Things have changed but I kind of feel the same. I feel a lot more confident in myself. I've learned a fuck of a lot about things, about how to treat other people and how to try to deal with things. I've learned I'll probably never be happy with my body but I've kind of learned that I'm happy with that. I've learned that not trusting people hurts a lot more than trusting them. I've also learned that if I could only apply myself I'd go far... but I'm shit at applying myself.
I really do wonder what will happen in the next 10 years. I know what I would like to happen but I'm not gonna put those things here. They're secret hopes that I don't want to jinx.
I'm not sure the word epic is epic enough to describe it
But yeah, it sure is a tremendous challenge and project. I'm getting really excited that its actually starting 

Thank you lady xx I appreciate your words and your help x honestly