First of all, thank you so much to those of you who left kind words about my poem.
This blog is just really about how I feel at this exact minute... and it's stupid. When I was young, I was obsessed and I mean OBSESSED with WWF. I never-ever missed a show and I thought it was real. I seem to have brought through this bizarre personal involvement with TV shows through my adulthood. I just finished watching the very final episode of The Shield and my god... I feel actually physically drained! I feel a kind of personal involvement and now it's finished I feel strange, kind if free but kind of empty.. see told you it was stupid!
Things that rock in my life right now...
*Some of you people are pretty awesome. I've met some true friends through this site.
*I've done just about all of my xmas shopping.
*My family are always behind me as I am them, I feel extremely lucky for this.
*I got a Christmas bonus
*I'm healthy
*I got paired up with Sticks in the Kitchen group's cookie exchange.. my lawd that boy can bake!!!
Things that sucketh...
*Trichotillomania fucking sucks balls!
*My self discipline with writing is dire
*I seem to have a kind of self sabotage thing going on. Need to sort that out.
*This being single thing is pissing me off at the minute. I have these moments where i hate being single then I love it. I confuse myself, god knows how anyone else is supposed to be able to deal with me!
Right, I'm gonna leave you with a song that makes me happy in a bitter/sweet kind of way.

This blog is just really about how I feel at this exact minute... and it's stupid. When I was young, I was obsessed and I mean OBSESSED with WWF. I never-ever missed a show and I thought it was real. I seem to have brought through this bizarre personal involvement with TV shows through my adulthood. I just finished watching the very final episode of The Shield and my god... I feel actually physically drained! I feel a kind of personal involvement and now it's finished I feel strange, kind if free but kind of empty.. see told you it was stupid!

Things that rock in my life right now...
*Some of you people are pretty awesome. I've met some true friends through this site.
*I've done just about all of my xmas shopping.
*My family are always behind me as I am them, I feel extremely lucky for this.
*I got a Christmas bonus
*I'm healthy
*I got paired up with Sticks in the Kitchen group's cookie exchange.. my lawd that boy can bake!!!
Things that sucketh...
*Trichotillomania fucking sucks balls!
*My self discipline with writing is dire
*I seem to have a kind of self sabotage thing going on. Need to sort that out.
*This being single thing is pissing me off at the minute. I have these moments where i hate being single then I love it. I confuse myself, god knows how anyone else is supposed to be able to deal with me!
Right, I'm gonna leave you with a song that makes me happy in a bitter/sweet kind of way.
They sit there, quietly gatherin' dust.
Mostly they just keep Chuck Berry and Diana Ross company.