It's 10pm on a Saturday night and I'm sitting home watching disc after disc of The Shield and colouring in. Yes, colouring in. I bought some postcards today with designs on the front that you colour in yourself. I did think this was cool when I bought them as stationary does excite me, but now... as I sit with the TV turned up so as to hear as little of next door having fun as possible, I squint trying to keep my Sharpie in the lines and I think... "Jesus! You're 27 years old, you're home, alone, colouring in on a Saturday night watching some guy kick the shit out of other guys on TV." Also I spent the majority of my day baking, now granted my steak & kidney pie turned out awesome, as did my jam and marzipan tartlets... but maybe... just maybe, it's time to get a new guy in my life. Now this is not easy for me to say, I am actually happily single and I know... I know you loved up couplets out there all think that there is no such thing as as happy single person. I know you think this as I though this myself when I was one head of a two-headed couple-monster. But, and I swear this to you now, I am happier single right now that I was for at least the last 2 years of my last relationship.
I have a VERY cool apartment. It contains many excellent things such as Elvis and Johnny Cash records, Pulp novels, a fuckload of DVDs and film memorabilia... not to mention me of course. I don't need a guy to complete or validate me. But maybe it's time to get one to share in the things I love, to cook for and watch them enjoy what I made, to listen to records with as we just sit on the couch. BUT every guy I meet recently is just wrong for me, I have a very finite idea of who I want to be with and if they don't match up in any way I don't wanna know. I don't see it as being too fussy, I just don't see the point of being with someone just to be with someone.
I think that's enough inane rambling for tonight, I'm going back to my colouring... and The Shield.
PS... I had my staples removed today, thank you to all of you who tried to sooth my nerves by telling me it wouldn't hurt... it didn't
I have a VERY cool apartment. It contains many excellent things such as Elvis and Johnny Cash records, Pulp novels, a fuckload of DVDs and film memorabilia... not to mention me of course. I don't need a guy to complete or validate me. But maybe it's time to get one to share in the things I love, to cook for and watch them enjoy what I made, to listen to records with as we just sit on the couch. BUT every guy I meet recently is just wrong for me, I have a very finite idea of who I want to be with and if they don't match up in any way I don't wanna know. I don't see it as being too fussy, I just don't see the point of being with someone just to be with someone.
I think that's enough inane rambling for tonight, I'm going back to my colouring... and The Shield.
PS... I had my staples removed today, thank you to all of you who tried to sooth my nerves by telling me it wouldn't hurt... it didn't

Yeah the blues singer was really good too. Did you have a fun evening with your friends? Yeah would be cool to meet you too x
aww thank you very much