this is what killing time till a kiefer sutherland movie starts looks like...
Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on?
- with pyjamas if its cold!
Q2) Prefer black or blue pens?
- black
Q3) Dress up on Halloween?
- hell yes
Q4) Like to travel?
- yup
Q5) Like someone?
- life woudl be pretty pointless if i didn't like anyone now wouldn't it!!??!!
Q6) Do they know?
- some of the do yes
Q7) Who sleeps with you every night?
- matthew :-) and sherbie the cuddly sheep
Q8) Think your attractive?
- not really
Q9) Want to get married?
- not yet ta
Q10) To who?
- matthew probebly :-)
Q11) Are you a good student?
- i was crap, never even bothered reading teh books for my a-level english exam, that'll be why i got a E then! duh
Q12) Are you currently happy?
- in general yes, but it's 11:20pm on a friday night at this moment in time, so i'd say i've been happier than i am at this evry second... the situation will change as soon as i'm watching Keifer tho! :-)
- Eh? see above
Q13) Have you ever cheated?
- only at little things
Q14) Birthplace?
- wakey, west yorks
Q15) Christmas or Halloween?
- christmas!
Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo?
- colour
Q17) Do long distance relationships work?
- not in my experience, but they must do for some people
Q18) Do you believe in God?
- theres a long answer to this for me n i really can't be arsed to go into it, you woud'ne care anyway :-)
Q19) Do you believe in love?
- yes
Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
- no, anyone who describes themselves as such a thing should be shot!
Q21) Do you drink?
- yep
Q22) Do you make fun of people?
- sometimes
Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true?
- if my dreams came true the world woudl be a lot more scary
Q24) Favorite fictional character?
- patrick bateman
Q25) Go to the movies or rent?
- both
Q26) Have you ever moved?
- yep - moving my fingers right now! funny me arn't i??!! :-)
Q27) What's up?
- tired n bored
Q28) How's the weather right now?
- probely cold, dunno really it dark! can't see much!
Q29) Last time you cut your hair?
- the week before christmas
Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone?
- my dad
Q32) Loud or soft music?
- loud mostly but soft sometimes
Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King?
- niether! that shit'll kill yer!
Q34) Night or day?
- stupid question...
Q35) Number of pillows?
- 2
Q36) Piano or guitar?
- guitar, would love to learn piano tho
Q37) Future job?
- i dunnoo, i'm not derren frigging brown!
Q38) Current job?
- vegitarion wholefoods cooperative member
Q39) Current thought?
- only 33 mins to kiefer
Q40) Current longing?
- bed.. n all the food i can't have...
Q41) Current disappointment?
- that i'm doing this on a friday night, i'm dissapointed in myself
Q42) Current annoyance?
- being able to hear next door through the wall
Q43) Last thing you ate?
- cereal
Q44) Last thing you bought?
- bottle of water
Q45) Most recent thing you are looking foward to?
- getting the next episode of 24 2moro!
Q46) What are you wearing right now?
dickies blue jeans, atticus shirt, paul frank slippers (such a label whore!)
Q47) Plans for the weekend?
- watch 24
Q48) What did you do today?
- went to work, came home, ate dinner, watched tv, did this
Q49) Do you love the person who did this before you?
- no, i like him tho, he's pretty cool
Q50) Ever been drunk?
- ohhh yes
Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on?
- with pyjamas if its cold!
Q2) Prefer black or blue pens?
- black
Q3) Dress up on Halloween?
- hell yes
Q4) Like to travel?
- yup
Q5) Like someone?
- life woudl be pretty pointless if i didn't like anyone now wouldn't it!!??!!
Q6) Do they know?
- some of the do yes
Q7) Who sleeps with you every night?
- matthew :-) and sherbie the cuddly sheep
Q8) Think your attractive?
- not really
Q9) Want to get married?
- not yet ta
Q10) To who?
- matthew probebly :-)
Q11) Are you a good student?
- i was crap, never even bothered reading teh books for my a-level english exam, that'll be why i got a E then! duh
Q12) Are you currently happy?
- in general yes, but it's 11:20pm on a friday night at this moment in time, so i'd say i've been happier than i am at this evry second... the situation will change as soon as i'm watching Keifer tho! :-)
- Eh? see above
Q13) Have you ever cheated?
- only at little things
Q14) Birthplace?
- wakey, west yorks
Q15) Christmas or Halloween?
- christmas!
Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo?
- colour
Q17) Do long distance relationships work?
- not in my experience, but they must do for some people
Q18) Do you believe in God?
- theres a long answer to this for me n i really can't be arsed to go into it, you woud'ne care anyway :-)
Q19) Do you believe in love?
- yes
Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
- no, anyone who describes themselves as such a thing should be shot!
Q21) Do you drink?
- yep
Q22) Do you make fun of people?
- sometimes
Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true?
- if my dreams came true the world woudl be a lot more scary
Q24) Favorite fictional character?
- patrick bateman
Q25) Go to the movies or rent?
- both
Q26) Have you ever moved?
- yep - moving my fingers right now! funny me arn't i??!! :-)
Q27) What's up?
- tired n bored
Q28) How's the weather right now?
- probely cold, dunno really it dark! can't see much!
Q29) Last time you cut your hair?
- the week before christmas
Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone?
- my dad
Q32) Loud or soft music?
- loud mostly but soft sometimes
Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King?
- niether! that shit'll kill yer!
Q34) Night or day?
- stupid question...
Q35) Number of pillows?
- 2
Q36) Piano or guitar?
- guitar, would love to learn piano tho
Q37) Future job?
- i dunnoo, i'm not derren frigging brown!
Q38) Current job?
- vegitarion wholefoods cooperative member
Q39) Current thought?
- only 33 mins to kiefer
Q40) Current longing?
- bed.. n all the food i can't have...
Q41) Current disappointment?
- that i'm doing this on a friday night, i'm dissapointed in myself
Q42) Current annoyance?
- being able to hear next door through the wall
Q43) Last thing you ate?
- cereal
Q44) Last thing you bought?
- bottle of water
Q45) Most recent thing you are looking foward to?
- getting the next episode of 24 2moro!
Q46) What are you wearing right now?
dickies blue jeans, atticus shirt, paul frank slippers (such a label whore!)
Q47) Plans for the weekend?
- watch 24
Q48) What did you do today?
- went to work, came home, ate dinner, watched tv, did this
Q49) Do you love the person who did this before you?
- no, i like him tho, he's pretty cool
Q50) Ever been drunk?
- ohhh yes
Fithy sod. Imagine derren with his fingers in a dirtbox. You did. and now I do. Cheers VC.
I dunno, we might pop out for an hour to say hi, we're definately coming to Leeds tomorrow.
Are you out tonight?