fucking whore
i walk out into the living room and there's my sister's cat making love with my boyfriend's shoe.

So maybe this is something I should save for group hug because of it's nature but what the hey....
I want to fucking murder this dumb ass little kittie cat. She just looks so dumb and meows incessently outside my door until I want to kick her in the fuckin face! Bam! and then it would be all quiet in this place. All I really want is some quiet. I think if she didn't stick her ass up in the air and beg to be fucked she might be somewhat more tolerable. It can't be that much to spay a cat. I would have done it so freaking long ago, or i would have kicked her to the curb. I know, I know... I am fucked up. BUT you don't live with this little slut that thinks she can rub her nasty ass all over everything you own and in addition to that seems to think she can waltz right into my room whenever she pleases to spread her nastiness everywhere! So I keep my door closed. I also keep the bathroom door closed. She will sit on my toliet and she fucking scares me if I go in there in the middle of the night and it's like HEY there is a cat on my toliet! Gosh! and then I kick her bitch ass out. I really and truly do kick this cat....not with everything I've got but I let her know who is boss. god i hate her.
Okay honestly, I know she can't help it because she's an animal and no one has bothered to spay her, but I swear to fucking god she is in heat every two weeks. Is it supposed to be that often? It seems.....unnatural. and annoying. and last night i couldn't sleep because of loud neighbors (that are really far away!!! I don't even share a wall....i just hear music coming from their place.) My window is shut and my door is shut......i don't see how i'm getting the noise

i'm afraid to move in with this chick this fall. sometimes I just want to move back in with my parents, but then I'd be so far away from my boyfriend and I wouldn't like that very much. gahhhh it's almost five a.m.
time to go pick the other girl up for the morning shift. fun times.

I'm on heat every 5 seconds

hahaha I could always give the meowing and sticking my butt up in the air a go, I'd probably be put away though ... still some people say I should be put away anyway, so perhaps I will give it a try