SoooOOOoo........ I was at the post office today and the guy is all like...."is that a band?" [referring to the mail to address] and I said "No, it's a website." and then he's all like "You gonna be okay right?" I said yes, a little unsure why he asked. I guess he thought I was contemplating suicide! haha right. So yea, I sent off a set to SG today. Wish me luck!!!!

I watched 13 going on 30 and it's 7:26 p.m. and I sorta want school to start and sorta not because there is so much associated with being back in school. I know I'm only involved in two activities (Rugby team and the Campus Red Cross chapter) but a lot of responsibility comes along with both of those things..........
1. Promotion (for both of them at the beginning of the semester)
2. Practice tuesday, thursday, some sundays for rugby.
3. Exec meetings and regular meetings on thursdays
4. Volunteer events with Red Cross and Campus wide events associated with student organizations (which occur on saturdays mostly)
5. Rugby games (travel and home)
and on top of those things i will have college classes/homework and quite possibly a job (If anyone fucking hires me!) Searching for a job sucks so much cock!!!!!
I get to move in to my place on wednesday! woo!

p.s. wishlists are the coolest!

i LOVE 13 going on 30!!!! i laughed my ass off!!!

devastator: better renew it!!!